40 drug-related arrests and R100 000 worth of drugs confiscated this past weekend in the Southern Cape

Southern Cape police officials during N2 operations in Knysna. Photo supplied by Southern Cape Police.

Southern Cape police officials during N2 operations in Knysna. Photo supplied by Southern Cape Police.

Published Jan 31, 2022


Cape Town - Southern Cape police have arrested 40 suspects for drug-related offences and confiscated more than R100 000 worth of drugs during crime-combating operations.

These special operations began on Thursday and ended on Sunday. The operations included roadblocks, vehicle checkpoints, high-density patrols in crime hot spots, clamping down on drugs and focused stop-and-search operations. These operations were held at entry and exit routes to the province and suspected drug outlets across the region.

According to authorities, the first couple of arrests included a 47-year-old Volkswagen Golf driver found with 100 mandrax tablets and 40g of tik inside the car on the N12 in De Rust.

Mandrax tablets confiscated in De Rust. Photo supplied by Southern Cape police.

Later that day, Kwanonqaba police arrested a 24-year-old driver after finding a bag with 21.2kg of dagga at a checkpoint on the N2 in Mossel Bay.

Both suspects have been charged with the possession of drugs.

Dagga confiscated at a checkpoint in Mossel Bay. Photo supplied by Southern Cape police.

The following day, during routine patrols, Swellendam police spotted and stopped a Ford bakkie that was reported stolen earlier that day. Upon searching the bakkie, police confiscated 61 mandrax tablets hidden inside the vehicle. All four occupants of the vehicle were arrested.

“Other arrests included four for dealing in drugs and 31 for possession of drugs. Seven of these suspects were arrested at Conville, George, after drugs were found in their possession. Police confiscated small quantities of mandrax tablets, tik and dagga during these arrests,” the Office of the Provincial Commissioner said.

“All arrested will appear in various courts in the region once charged. Western Cape provincial commissioner Lieutenant-General Thembisile Patekile commended these forces for their vigilance to rid communities of drugs and arrest of those involved with illicit activities which threaten the safety of the public,” they said.