ANC won’t surrender Gauteng to lazy vultures, says Premier Panyaza Lesufi

Premier of Gauteng Panyaza Lesufi inspects the parade before he delivered his maiden State of the Province Address. Picture: Itumeleng English/African News Agency (ANA)

Premier of Gauteng Panyaza Lesufi inspects the parade before he delivered his maiden State of the Province Address. Picture: Itumeleng English/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Feb 27, 2023


Pretoria - The ANC in Gauteng is not going to surrender power to “lazy vultures” who can’t even run a government but survive on threats to take over after the 2024 general election.

This was Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi’s reply on Friday after the EFF and DA accused him of having failed to deliver a solid plan in his maiden State of the Province Address last week.

The EFF said his address was merely “political showboating”, while Gauteng DA leader Solly Msimanga said his address lacked detail.

Both parties claimed they would take over power after the 2024 polls, a claim Lesufi vehemently dismissed, saying the ANC would retain power next year.

Lesufi reiterated the ANC would go ahead with its plans to give facelifts to townships, hostels and improve the living condition of people in informal settlements – without apology, he said.

“We presented to this House, where we want to take Gauteng in the next 12 months. Instead of matching our plans intellectually, we are met with Hugh Masekela’s songs and gimmicks. We presented solid plans for taking Gauteng out of load shedding.

“These people claim to be a government in waiting: No superior logic here, just talking too much.

“We presented our plans to fight crime, and in response, we were confronted with requirements about water plans when they are not aware that we already have those plans,” Lesufi said.

He presented solid plans for economic recovery and reconstruction, he said adding that it turned out to be a heavy topic as none of the opposition could even touch the topic.

“Opposition parties are preoccupied with 2024 but they have nothing to offer. Opposition parties are obsessed with 2024, they are now using it as a gogo (scary creature) to scare us!

“We will not surrender this hard-fought liberty to formations that are directionless and aimless and only rely on the perceived view that they will win 2024.

“It will not be easy if you don’t pull up your socks; if you don’t provide real tangible alternative solutions to South Africans instead of cheap talk, rhetoric on corruption and the Western Cape.”

Lesufi said, “To lead GP, you must convince us here first. We must feel you. Unfortunately, we can’t feel you.

“To lead GP, you must be determined and committed. We see laziness. To date, you can’t even meet an inch of our work, as you don’t attend protest meetings in our communities.

“You can’t even match our debates here. We were ready to debate with you but we were met with a lame ducks with poorly prepared notes.

“Do you think because people might be angry against us that it is automatic you will win 2024?” he asked.

Lesufi said the EFF and DA must work hard as the ANC was not going to easily surrender to those who have no clue on how to run the government.

“If I relied on you only for the assessment of our speech, I would be discouraged. You can’t dispute that this address solicited debates and discussions across all sectors of society, even from people who don’t follow politics.

“We are inundated by international agencies and formations that want to partner with us on energy and crime.”

Lesufi said he felt humbled by how ordinary South Africans overwhelmingly accepted his speech, saying that they felt his government could implement their commitments.

Lesufi said the electorate believed “Gauteng can be saved from vultures that think they can win the 2024 elections and turn our precious province into the metro municipalities that they’ve destroyed. Where’s Tshwane today, destroyed! Where’s Johannesburg today? Destroyed to such an extent that the municipality must go out on an emergency basis to borrow R2 billion so as to pay workers’ salaries.

“Where’s Ekurhuleni today? The Speaker, gone! We indicated that in supporting Emfuleni Local Municipality, we will assist them to fill the vacancy of the municipal manager and the chief financial officer.

“The people of Gauteng embraced our speech. They say, please implement these noble ideas.

“Please move with speed to make Gauteng a better and safer place,” Lesufi said.

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