Chief Justice Zondo opens conference

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. PHOTO: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA).

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. PHOTO: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA).

Published Dec 6, 2023


Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has called on the judiciary to put their heads together to shape the future of the judiciary.

He said this should be done by reflecting on some of the mistakes the country as a whole made in the past and to ensure that as we enter the fourth decade of our democracy, we don't repeat our mistakes.

Justice Zondo was speaking at the opening of the judges conference at Sun City.

The last conference was held in 2012. Justice Zondo said what makes this conference different, was that it only consists of members of the judiciary, whereas in the past other stakeholders also attended the conference.

He asked that the judiciary put their heads together to find ways to improve the country’s legislative arm.

During the three-day conference, the legal fraternity will discuss matters of interests to the judiciary in relation to its constitutional role and mandate.

From time to time, the judiciary, as an independent arm of the State, meets to discuss important matters related to the efficient functioning of the courts and in enhancing access to justice.

The conference is attended by judges from across the country and by representatives of magistrates.

This year’s conference is held under the theme: “Towards a single, effective and fully independent Judiciary”. The theme of the 2012 conference was “Towards delivery, accessibility and quality justice for all.”

In line with this year’s theme, one of the purposes of the conference is to provide judges and magistrates with a platform to reflect on judicial independence. This includes institutional independence, which will ensure that the chief justice receives adequate support to fulfil his functions.

Other matters concerning the functioning of the courts in order to ensure that it serves the people better, will come under the spotlight.

Delegates will discuss issues pertaining to efficiencies in the court system, resourcing and capacitation of the judiciary, as well as judicial accountability, integrity and ethical conduct of judicial officers (magistrates and judges).

Justice Zondo said: “This is your conference. Use it to ensure our judiciary is a strong judiciary… All of us are judicial officers. All of us have a contribution. I want to hear every view.”

He added: “Because of the diversity you are a beautiful audience.” Justice Zondo said if this was the conference shortly before 1994 the room would have been filled with white males, with two black males and two women in attendance.

He mentioned now retired Gauteng Judge President Bernard Ngoepe, who was in attendance, and referred to a passage in Judge Ngoepe’s book “Rich pickings of the past,” in which he mentioned his interview before the Judicial Services Commission years ago.

Ngoepe was at the time standing against two white males for the position of judge president. A member of the JSC asked Judge Ngoepe whether he did not rather think he should withdraw his application and wait, as he could later again apply.

Judge Ngoepe responded: “I have been waiting for 300 years.”

Justice Zondo called on all to reflect on this journey so that not only the judiciary, but the country, can do things better in future.

Pretoria News

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