Hip hop hopeful Koketso Langa taking social media by storm

Koketso Langa is a hip hop star in the making. Picture: Supplied

Koketso Langa is a hip hop star in the making. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 19, 2022


Pretoria - The so-called “rough streets of Jukulyn” in Soshanguve are carving a hip hop star that is just waiting to shoot to the skies by a storm.

Koketso Langa is making all the right noises and turning heads all over social media with his vibrant hip hop music and catchy flow.

The 21-year-old from Block W is already an influence to his peers as many try to emulate his style on social media, where he is making a name for himself by posting a series of videos that receives positive reactions.

The young star is a true definition of a modern generation Pretoria who embraces culture “Spitori” and shows the lifestyle of township kids who spend time in the dilapidating parks, unmaintained stadium and just looking beyond what they do not have and use the little they have to be recreational.

Langa and his friends would post videos of themselves rapping, having fun and sometimes playfully showing how easy it is to lose a girlfriend to a cooler kid.

However, it is his music and his catchy flow that keeps people consuming his content and enjoying what he does because he really does make good hip hop music that says “I am from Pitori”.

Acknowledging that he was becoming popular and an inspiration to other youngster in Tshwane and across the country, he said he tried not to let that get over his head.

“I am just a humble young man who was raised by both parents in a simple home with two of my siblings. I am just a typical Tshwane kid.

“I went to Dimakatso Primary School and completed my high school at Kgadime Matsepe Secondary.

“I cannot say I grew up privileged or unprivileged because we do not define the term the same.

“I am just grateful for the love and support I received from my family growing up which I still receive even till today.

“I make hip hop, but with my own formula.

“The music I make has the influence of Tuks Senganga and HHP.

“They were testimony that authenticity can shake people.

“Music is me; people close to me. Music has no boundaries.

“I can express whatever I feel like sharing at any time I feel like it.

“But I am always cognisant that the main goal I aspire to achieve it so be an inspiration to others and make individual impact on people lives.”

Langa is writing a lot of music, and a full album will come out later. He will release a mixtape, for now.

“I just want to collaborate more with engineers to help me polish what I have as a project,” he said.

About social media, he said: “It makes me realise my worth. I was always doing what I do years back, but I could not go out public with it because I am very shy; once I decided to post my content I received little to no negativity, but tons of love.

“My family and everyone found out about what I do through social media. I never came out and told them that actually this is what I do.”

However, some children show him hatred and try to outdo him to get the attention of his fans.

“Once you realise that you have haters, it means there is something good that you do.

“You just have to keep them talking. I mean according to the Bible, even God has haters, right?”

Langa does however have his friendly crew of friends and they call themselves Jukulyn’s Finest.

It is a brotherhood which focuses on everything that does not make sense and contains people that grew up together and are always together whether.

They hang together, shoot skits and attend gigs everywhere together.

He is arguably the most recognisable and sometimes comes across people who sing his won lyrics to him in public places like malls and taxi ranks and restaurants.

Asked if he thought he was a celebrity already, he said: “No, I am not a celebrity. I believe you need to account for some statements or titles to be a celebrity.

“You need to be worth millions in order to be a millionaire. So I do not believe I worth to be a celebrity.

“I do get a few hellos sometimes on the streets especially from the little ones, but I am grateful for the little recognition that I get hence it does give me confidence to keep me going.”

Langa can be found on social media platforms under his name.

Pretoria News