Letter from the Editor

Published Jul 13, 2020


Today I want to use this column to send a shout-out to those who are living in full-on lockdown in the senior homes, and to say even though we can’t physically be there with you, you are in our hearts and are not forgotten.

Some retirement homes allow parcels to be dropped off, only on a Monday, and the residents get the parcels, suitably sanitised, on the following Thursday.

The other night when I did a drop-off for an esteemed, loved and most resilient colleague, Alan Simmonds, (yes, he is 80 and still contributes significantly to the media), I saw a collection of parcels lovingly put together by families and friends, all waiting to go into “quarantine” before being delivered to loved ones.

It brought home to me how we are all being affected by this pandemic in one way or another, and how care homes are doing their best to cope and look after their residents.

This is also a shout-out to these residents whose resilience has seen them live to be here in this day and age. We can all learn so much from you. Thank you.

I am interested to know how these care homes could change in the future and whether they will form part of how we re-imagine lifestyles and property going forward.

Please do drop me a line with your thoughts.

Warm regards

Vivian Warby

[email protected]

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