#aTypicalInterview: Director Travis Taute on his love for ‘The Lord of the Rings’

Writer, producer and director Travis Taute. Supplied image.

Writer, producer and director Travis Taute. Supplied image.

Published May 15, 2022


Johannesburg - This week we feature South African writer, producer, and director Travis Taute.

Taute is popularly known for his work on the hit Netflix series Blood and Water, where he stars as an actor and is also a writer on the show.

Taute is also responsible for directing South Africa’s latest action film Indemnity, which debuted in cinemas last month.

He also directed the hit local film Nommer37, which won a Safta in 2015 for best short film.

Taute, who is the co-founder of Gambit Films, has also directed and produced more than 20 short films and numerous music videos, commercials, and documentaries.

He's also a producer on the popular local soap drama, Suidooster, which has already aired more than 1 500 episodes on broadcast TV.

You are stuck on an island with the cast members of Indemnity. You have to split into teams of two in order to gather food and survive. Which cast member do you choose to team up with and why?

That’s a tough one. I think I’ll have to go with Jarrid (Geduld). He’s the most physically capable person I know so he would be extremely handy if we were stuck on an island. Nicole (Fortuin) would be a very close second though. I feel like she would just know things that I don’t. Like which plants are poisonous and which are safe to consume.

You are able to cast any actor and actress in a new movie. Who do you choose to cast and why?

Actor – Tom Hardy – I feel like he is one of the most versatile and magnetic actors working in Hollywood today. It would be a privilege to work with him.

Actress – Viola Davis – I’m just obsessed with everything she does. What a powerhouse of a performer.

Quentin Tarantino or Martin Scorsese?

Martin Scorsese. I might be one of the few people in the world who is not a major Tarantino fan.

You can choose to shoot a film in any location around the world. Where do you choose to shoot?

For selfish reasons, I’m going to choose an island like Mykonos in Greece. But that’s more about the off days and the lifestyle around shooting than it is about the project itself. Otherwise, I might go with a place like Bangkok, Thailand. You can point a camera in any direction and have a stunning visual.

What makes a great film director… ?

Someone who is constantly willing to learn from those with more experience; and the innate ability to collaborate and be a leader. Filmmaking is a team sport and your job as a director is to bring out the best in your team so that they can help you create the vision only you have in your imagination. It’s impossible to do alone and without a clear vision and a strong leader.

Your favourite restaurant to eat out at?

Chef’s Warehouse. Because I don’t have to pick one dish. It’s a Tapas style set menu, so you get the best of everything. I highly recommend.

If you had the opportunity to make a biographical film about any South African, who would you choose to make the film on and why?

Probably Christian Barnard or Penny Heyns. My favourite biographical films are ones that inspire, be it through overcoming immense challenges to achieve a goal or changing the course of history.

Your biggest regret in life is… ?

I genuinely don’t believe in regrets. I think all of life’s experiences (good and bad) ultimately make us better versions of ourselves. But I’m sad about certain things. Like missing the world premiere of Indemnity in Montreal, Canada due to Covid travelling restrictions.

A restaurant wants to pay homage to you with a Travis Taute dish. You can choose the dish. What is it?

Most likely a Risotto. But they better not mess it up and make something substandard. I’ll know.

What movie can you watch over and over again?

Can I cheat and say The Lord of the Rings? It’s technically one movie split into three. I’ve seen it about a thousand times and will probably continue to watch it for the rest of my life.

The Saturday Star

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