Scaling new heights: Manaslu 8136 metre expedition to transform the lives of South Africa’s youth

Angela Yeung, the visionary founder of the Impilo Collection Foundation and the ambassador of Brand South Africa. Supplied image.

Angela Yeung, the visionary founder of the Impilo Collection Foundation and the ambassador of Brand South Africa. Supplied image.

Published Oct 22, 2023


Johannesburg - Angela Yeung, the visionary founder of the Impilo Collection Foundation and the ambassador of Brand South Africa – play your part, has achieved a remarkable feat by summiting Manaslu mountain at 8,136 meters.

Yeung's triumphant ascent took place on Monday, September 25th, 2023, at 6.50am Nepal time, marking a historic moment in her daring expedition. This achievement surpasses her previous triumph on the Island Peak at 6,200 meters last year.

Manaslu, known as the ‘’mountain of the spirit,’’ stands as the eighth-highest peak globally, nestled within Nepal's majestic Himalayas. The mountain's name is rooted in the Sanskrit term ‘’manasa,’’ signifying ‘’intellect’’ or ‘’soul.’’

The driving force behind her ascent is a compelling mission - to put the spotlight on and combat the harrowing issue of gender-based violence (GBV). Angela's daring expedition aims to channel funds towards an educational sanctuary that will empower and uplift young women who have faced the brunt of GBV.

‘’We face a mountain to climb, one that symbolises the path to women's empowerment through education. This journey is the stepping stone to independence and self-reliance,’’ said Yeung.

Partnering with The Sherpa Legends, including the illustrious Mingma Chhiri Sherpa, who has conquered Everest six times and Manaslu thrice, Angela sought to leverage her climb's impact and inspire change.

Impilo Collection Foundation has already demonstrated its prowess in addressing GBV through its #EmpowerHer campaign, a testament to its dedication.

The campaign's impactful display of 6,200 bras at Johannesburg's Constitution Hill and subsequent distribution to GBV shelters during International Women’s Month 2022 has left a lasting impact.

Intriguingly, the collection of 8,848 bras - representing the height of Mount Everest - is a novel pursuit of social warriors who stand resolute against GBV.

Yeung’s philanthropic accomplishments include this, her fourth fundraising climb. Her vision transcends personal achievements, aiming to establish an annual drive for essentials like bras and sanitary pads. Collaborating with fellow mountaineers, she aims to cast awareness amidst the clouds.

The ascent, which was scheduled from September 1 to October 5, was held in collaboration with esteemed international brands such as Cathay Pacific, GoPro, Sisley Paris, and Zara Wellness. Yeung also carried their logos and the South African flag to the summit of Manaslu, elevating them beyond the reach of ordinary planes.

Most notably, Angela's determination and courage led to her becoming the first woman from South Africa to achieve this feat. In recent times, many climbers have chosen to ascend only after the confirmation of the summit by the renowned Mingma G.

Angela's unwavering dedication is evident, and she has invested 630 hours in rigorous training and traversed a staggering 540 kilometres in preparation for the climb.

‘’Our quest for an anti-GBV education centre demands the collective efforts of supporters, followers, climbers, and allies. Together, we will make this vision a reality.’’

Generous benefactors will be commemorated with a keepsake, symbolising the metaphorical mountains scaled together.

The Saturday Star