The South African youth experience - The challenges facing the nations youngsters and how to overcome them

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Published Jun 14, 2023


By Kerry Rudman, founder of Brain Harmonics

This Friday is National Youth Day in South Africa, and with this in mind, we thought we would look at what the South African Youth are currently facing and how we can make this journey easier for them.

Some of the challenges youth in South Africa face include high levels of unemployment, limited access to quality education, economic inequality, crime rates, and social issues, such as substance abuse and violence. Additionally, they may encounter psychological and emotional stressors related to these challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, there have been reports of increased mental health concerns among teenagers and our youth, including anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. The reasons for some of these ailments include:

Education Disruptions

School closures and the transition to online learning have affected students' academic progress and learning outcomes. Many youth face difficulties accessing online education due to limited resources, such as load shedding, internet connectivity and devices. Learning loss, lack of educational support, and the need to catch up on missed curriculum content are some of the challenges they may be grappling with.

Unemployment and Economic Challenges

The pandemic has caused widespread job losses and economic downturns, affecting young people's employment prospects. Many youth, including recent graduates, are facing increased competition for limited job opportunities, leading to higher unemployment rates. Financial instability, uncertainty about the future, and difficulties in securing stable income are some of the economic challenges they may be experiencing.

Mental Health Struggles

The pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health and well-being of the youth. Isolation, disruption of routines, fear of contracting the virus, and increased stress have contributed to higher levels of anxiety, depression, and feelings of loneliness. Grief and loss due to the illness or death of loved ones may also impact their mental well-being.

Social Connections and Relationships

Restrictions on social gatherings and physical distancing measures have limited social interactions, affecting the development of social skills and peer relationships. Lack of opportunities for socialising and engaging in extracurricular activities may lead to feelings of isolation and hinder personal growth.

Future Uncertainty

The pandemic has created a sense of uncertainty about the future. Many youth feel unsure about their career prospects, educational pathways, and overall life goals. The disruption caused by the pandemic has forced many to reassess their plans and adapt to new circumstances.

Health and Well-being Concerns

Covid-19 has brought attention to the importance of health and well-being. Youth may be more conscious of their physical health and hygiene practices, as well as the need for preventive measures. Concerns about future waves of the virus and its long-term impacts on health may also be prevalent.

So how do we help the youth to overcome these obstacles and become happy, functional citizens? Traditional talk therapies are a great option but can often either be frowned upon by society or are excluded as an option, as many of the youth are not prepared or are possibly unable to talk about what is causing them to feel the way they feel.

An alternative option is Neuro-feedback therapy. Neuro-feedback is a non-invasive technique that aims to improve brain function and regulate brainwave patterns. While its effectiveness may vary for different individuals, it has been proven to do the following:

Mental Health

Neuro-feedback assists in alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and trauma by promoting better emotional regulation and reducing stress levels.

Cognitive Enhancement

Improved focus, attention, and memory are beneficial for students who face educational challenges or need to enhance their academic performance.

Emotional Regulation

Neuro-feedback helps individuals develop better emotional control and regulation, leading to increased resilience and the ability to cope with stressors effectively.

Performance Optimisation

South African youth involved in sports, arts, or other competitive fields often benefit from Neuro-feedback as it enhances their performance by optimising brain function and concentration.

Personal Growth

Neuro-feedback sessions promote self-awareness, self-reflection, and personal growth, empowering young individuals to make positive changes in their lives.

Stress Reduction

South African youth facing socio-economic challenges and other stressors may find Neuro-feedback helpful in managing stress, improving overall well-being, and promoting a sense of calmness.

The Saturday Star