Celebrities share their 2024 plans and goals

Mzansi is looking forward to welcoming 2024. Picture: Pexels/ Anna-Louise

Mzansi is looking forward to welcoming 2024. Picture: Pexels/ Anna-Louise

Published Dec 29, 2023


By the Lifestyle team

As everyone prepares to pop the bubbly to welcome the New Year, the Lifestyle team caught up with a few of South Africa’s celebrities and influencers to find out how they will be ringing in 2024 and upcoming plans…

Nelly Zwane (award-winning travel content creator)

Nelly Zwane. Picture: Instagram

How will you be welcoming 2024?

I’m going to be welcoming the New Year with open arms right in the heart of Cape Town! There’s this incredible buzz in the air that’s just unbeatable and I love it. Kirstenbosch Gardens is where the magic happens! They normally host this epic summertime sunset festival. Can’t wait to soak it all up with a loved one and usher the year in on a wave of pure festivities.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

Several essential lessons resonate profoundly with me.

My inclination has always been to offer a helping hand, but 2023 guided me to a place of restraint. This was an exercise in trust, trusting in other’s abilities to face their challenges and emerge victorious. I learnt the value of holding back and stepping in only when it’s truly critical for growth’s sake.

I realised my worth with a renewed clarity and, in doing so, I discovered the courage to pursue aspirations that once intimidated me.

Lastly, the year served as a heartfelt reminder of the transient nature of life. It called me to express love not just as a quiet sentiment, but as a vivid declaration.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I am sceptical about the effectiveness of New Year’s resolutions. The high rate of abandoned resolutions points to the challenges of maintaining long-term commitment after the initial burst of New Year enthusiasm wanes.

The pressure to make significant life changes simply because the calendar has turned can lead to unrealistic expectations and set individuals up for disappointment.

What are the objectives for 2024?

I’m excited to explore new places and share my adventures with my online community. This way, I can help make it easier for them to plan their trips. I want to visit more African countries and share real, authentic experiences.

Yaya Mavundla (multi-award-winning transgender activist)

Yaya Mavundla. Picture: Thapelo Kekana

How will you be welcoming 2024?

Initially, I wanted to travel to a resort with my loved ones and unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like everyone will be ready by next week, so I’ve planned a small gathering with the same people where we will get to reflect on the year that has been, pray, give thanks to the mighty Lord, ask for more blessings and celebrate.

This could be either in Durban, Cape Town or Johannesburg depending on everyone.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

Everything you plan to do, for yourself and your loved ones, do it now because we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Losing my grandmother whom I wanted to build a home for and I kept thinking I would do it when I had more money truly opened my eyes and left a deep scar on me.

Also with the debut exhibition of my paintings titled “Black, Trans & Bold”, I learnt that there’s nothing I won’t be able to do. And lastly, being honest, determined, hard-working, trusting God and loving is what has gotten me this far and it will be what helps me with my future success.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

Yes, I do believe in New Year’s resolutions because that helps me to know what I am specifically focusing on in that particular year and can plan better and ensure I have a proper structure.

What are the objectives for 2024?

I want to make sure that all the plans I have materialise, I want to travel, I want money, more money and more money, global success with my art and fashion.

I know the universe knows my heart, always listening to all the things I want to do and will provide against all odds and I am super excited with all the exhibitions we have planned in different countries for 2024.

DJ Sox

DJ Sox. Picture: Supplied

How will you be welcoming 2024?

Normally on the 31st, I have a lot of gigs but I do try to spend time with my family so I always schedule my gigs to be after midday so I can spend time with them.

This year, I have decided to take only one gig, which is the Fact Durban Rocks that will be happening at Moses Mabhida.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

I think the main lesson for me was just a reminder that hard work pays off. I have put in a lot of work in 2023.

I released some new music, did major big events and everything went well. It all proved that hard work, focus, and dedication are key.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I do. Planning is key. These resolutions are a plan and some commitment that you put on yourself to say this is what I want to achieve. Whether you meet them or not, that’s another story for another day.

New Year’s resolutions for me are just to shape my thinking and what I would like to achieve that year and when I look back I can always tell if it was a good year or not.

What are the objectives for 2024?

Musically I will be releasing a new single called “Sebenza”. I am also looking forward to other business ventures.

Kriya Gangiah (radio and TV presenter)

Kriya Gangiah.

How will you be welcoming 2024?

This year, I am going to be in Cape Town working and will hopefully make my flight in time to welcome in 2024 with some good friends in Pretoria.

It’s been a long and busy year so I am going to take it easy this year.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

The biggest lesson that I am taking away from this year is that you need to look after yourself. It’s so important to take a little bit of me time and remember that you need to take a break from time to time.

You can’t give your best if you don’t look after yourself.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I don’t like putting a timeline to start a resolution, to be honest. You should be able to start your goals when you are ready and the time is right. However, it’s important to keep pushing to make sure that your goal is reached.

What are the objectives for 2024?

I am starting a new business in Pretoria called Kri8tive Nails and that is going to be one of my main focuses for the year.

Carol Ofori (radio and TV presenter as well as author)

Carol Ofori. Picture: Supplied

How will you be welcoming 2024?

I will be welcoming 2024 with family out in the Drakensberg. I am looking forward to lots of sun, beautiful views and hearty hugs and love. As a family, we always try and do one big family getaway either for Christmas or New Year’s Eve.

This year, I will be with my mom, my sister and her family and my whole family and I am so looking forward to a beautiful, relaxing entry into 2024.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

The most important lesson I learnt in 2023 is valuing my time and who I give my time to. I have grown so much in 2023 as a woman. a mother, a wife, and a person.

The year has been difficult, but it has also brought about growth and strength. I have been living in KZN for three years now and being away from my family and my tribe has also taught me so much about my tolerance and my personal development.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I do believe in New Year’s resolutions. I think it sets the tone for the year ahead, especially if you map out your dreams and ambitions. It’s when you are too audacious with your dreams and not willing to put in the work to see those dreams come true that New Year’s resolutions don’t work.

My birthday is in January so I use the month of January to reflect on everything. I enjoy making resolutions for myself that are realistic attainable and exciting.

What are the objectives for 2024?

For the new year, I just want to live a happier and more purposeful life. I would love joy to be the tone of my year, peace to be the heartbeat of my year and happiness to be my stride for the year.

Rozanne McKenzie (Jacaranda FM presenter and television personality)

How will you be welcoming 2024?

I will be welcoming in 2024 with my family: my mom, Ann, my husband, Chris, and our two kids, James and Fallon. My mom is visiting from the UK, so this time of year is so special for us.

Cheeseboard, bubbles and a movie is our chilled New Year's Eve tradition and then on January 2, we're all heading to Dinokeng for a few days in the bush.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

2023 was a tough year for many people, myself included. It just all felt a bit overwhelming at times.

I’m actually kind of glad that it was difficult because it taught me to work through challenging things. It taught me to be resilient and to hold onto the good times and also reinforced that bad times don’t last for ever.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions for myself. I’ve never stuck to one! I think it’s better to try and add things to your life organically to try and create better habits. This way, it’s easier to stick with something.

Make it part of your lifestyle and bit by bit, it will just become something you do.

That being said, I promised myself I would read more in 2023, I failed at that! LOL! So maybe 2024 is my year for that. One page at a time.

What are the objectives for 2024?

My objective for the New Year is to feel less overwhelmed. To manage my time better and work more on things that make me happy.

I’m participating in the Auto & General Cross Triathlon again in late February, so I need to get cracking on training for that.

I also want to do more acting, so there is a short film project I’m very excited about. I’m also still working on producing the screen adaptation of the South African novel “Mermaid Fillet”.

If anyone has R20 million to help with that, I can be found on Instagram: @rozmckinsta. LOL!

Martin Bester (host of Jacaranda FM’s Breakfast With Martin Bester)

Martin Bester. Picture: Supplied

How will you be welcoming 2024?

I will be bringing in the New Year performing at the SunBet Arena in Pretoria with my band. We will be doing a show for Time Square’s most valued guests and VIPs in the arena – and I am looking forward to bringing in the New Year doing what I love.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

People who show kindness to animals are my people. Also, if you don’t like music, we can’t be friends!

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I do believe in New Year’s resolutions. My New Year’s resolutions this year will include detoxing on a grand scale. I need to cut more toxic people, situations, food and drinks out of my life.

I also want to start a new business and I want to see more of our country through my music. In other words, tour some new places…

What are the objectives for 2024?

I’m going to release a new English single in the new year. It’s a song I co-wrote with Jethro Tait and I’m seriously excited about it. I also got booked to perform at festivals that I’ve wanted to play for a while now, like the Wildsfees in Kirkwood.

I am also looking forward to continuing to bring the very best radio to listeners who tune in every morning!

Danny Painter (Jacaranda FM radio personality)

Danny Painter. Picture: Instagram

How will you be welcoming 2024?

I haven’t fully decided yet, New Year’s Eve was always spent with my late husband and this will be the first one alone, I have been invited by dear friends to a party, but there is also the option for an online NYE party on Discord with friends around the world. I think I’m leaning into the latter.

Safe at home drinking too many martinis and laughing with my amazing humans across the sea!

This is great because I get to have many shots as the clock strikes 12 many times across the time zones! Whatever I do, I will dress up, but some good MCC and make a lekker cheeseboard!

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

2023 was by far the hardest and most traumatic year of my 38 years on the planet. But, in saying that it has brought the most beautiful lessons and even more beautiful humans across my path.

I have experienced both great loss and also great love all in one year. I think the resounding lesson I have learnt is that nothing is permanent, life is so incredibly short and we need to TRULY live for every single moment that we can. Love hard without fear and say yes to things that scare you!

I also learnt the value and importance of community. I have been held up by my community and I have never felt so loved. Lean into your community, and ask for help. Be vulnerable. And, LIVE!

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I never used to, I always thought they were silly. However, after this year I have some big ones both personally and professionally. I want to spend the next 12 months finding me, learning to love me and healing me.

That involves a bit of a lifestyle shift and learning new things, which I’m ready for. So, the resolutions are there for the coming year, but not in the normal way. 2024 is the year I intend to discover me.

Travel a lot, say yes to things that scare me and lean into new experiences and friendships.

What are the objectives for 2024?

I am currently writing a book about grief and navigating the process. There is also a video project around that in the works. Other than that, my biggest project for 2024 is me.

I am truly going to make it a year of self-discovery and joy. Of connection and experience.

And that will be the biggest project, ever! I intend to spend the year travelling and speaking on grief and loss and moving forward gracefully and healthily.

In love and kindness both to yourself and the person you have lost.

Death is the one inevitable thing and yet it’s the one thing none of us are equipped to deal with, it’s time to be authentic about our relationship with death and dying and learn from those ahead of us in our journey!

Dan Corder (5FM presenter and content creator)

Dan Corder. Picture: Supplied

How will you be welcoming 2024?

I’m super pumped for the New Year. I will be at home with my amazing family, my wonderful girlfriend and friends in Cape Town. We are going to be attending an all-night rager rave.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

2023 has taught me the power of being surrounded by good, trustworthy friends and family can keep one sane.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

No, I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, because we should always be constantly improving ourselves and making sure we are being the best people we can be. However, the end of the year is a good time to reflect on our lives and the year that has passed.

What are the objectives for 2024?

It’s set to be a country-changing year and I hope my coverage of the vital election will contribute to South Africa’s understanding of all the political madness we are about to see.

Stephanie Be (5FM presenter)

Stephanie Be. Picture: Supplied

How will you be welcoming 2024?

I am terrible at planning ahead when it comes to social gatherings! I would much rather wait until it’s closer to the time so that I can see how I feel and what I’m in the mood for.

At this point, I’m just as likely to be in Cape Town on a beach or in a backyard in Pretoria.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

That there is always something new to learn or ways to grow and improve. My desire for knowledge is never ending and I don’t ever want to stop educating myself on new topics.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

I’m not a huge advocate of New Year’s resolutions, I think we place too much pressure on ourselves and they tend to focus too much on restricting yourself.

I’m also just a terrible procrastinator – so I’ve never been able to make a resolution stick!

What are the objectives for 2024?

There is nothing specific on the cards for 2024 yet, but I’m going to step up the conversations I have on air about mental health.

South Africa is one of the countries in the world with the highest rate of suicide, and we need more people to speak candidly on real issues.

Zanele Potelwa (5FM presenter and TV personality)

Zanele Potelwa. Picture: Supplied

How will you be welcoming 2024?

Ringing in the New Year will be a joyous affair with the SABC1 family. I’ll be celebrating alongside the vibrant cast of “The Last Dance”, counting down the seconds to 2024 for our South African viewers.

What were the important lessons you will carry with you from 2023?

The standout lesson from 2023 is a powerful one: “Don’t let people take advantage of you because they will if you let them.” A reminder to set boundaries and value oneself.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions?

Absolutely! New Year’s resolutions hold a special place for me. They embody a sense of renewal, serving as a yearly checkpoint to revisit goals and dreams. It’s a chance to recalibrate and refocus on what matters.

What are the objectives for 2024?

I’m thrilled to spearhead a pad drive campaign alongside my 5 FM lunch team (Yanga and ShabZi), contributing to a cause close to our hearts.

Additionally, keep an eye out for the launch of my clothing line, a passion project gearing up for an impressive debut in the new year. Here’s to a year of meaningful projects and impactful initiatives!