3 types of peels to consider for your spring glow

Published Sep 2, 2024


As we eagerly await the arrival of warm weather and stunning sunsets, there’s no denying that the harsh winter months may have done a number on our skin. Even with a diligent skincare routine, the dry, cold air left our skin looking dull and feeling rough.

But don’t worry — there are ways to rejuvenate your skin and get it glowing again.

Dr Alek Nikolic, a specialist in aesthetic medicine, shared valuable insights on how to stay ahead of beauty trends while keeping your skin in top condition.

Embracing the natural look trend

One of the key trends in beauty right now is the natural look. This trend highlights that a few wrinkles and natural facial movements are not just okay — they can actually add to your charm.

Instead of opting for dramatic changes, the focus is on making small, subtle improvements over time.

According to Nikolic: “Small, gradual tweaks often yield the best results. Work with your aesthetic practitioner to make subtle changes over time rather than opting for extensive treatments all at once.”

This approach helps maintain a more natural appearance, allowing each enhancement to blend seamlessly with your features.

The benefits of superficial medical peels

In addition to injectable treatments, Nikolic recommends incorporating superficial medical chemical peels into your skincare regimen. These peels are ideal for gentle exfoliation, preventing signs of ageing, brightening the complexion, and hydrating the skin.

Despite being classified as medical treatments, these peels come with minimal to no downtime, meaning you won’t have to deal with the common side effects like flaking or sloughing skin.

Instead, you’ll be left with soft, glowing skin that’s ready to take on the warmer months.

Small, gradual tweaks often yield the best results. Picture: Anna Shvets/pexels

Superficial medical peels are perfect for those who want maximum results without the downtime typically associated with more intense facial treatments.

They offer a quick and effective way to rejuvenate your skin, making them an excellent option for anyone looking to freshen up their appearance after the winter season.

Peels that make a difference

Nikolic highlighted several specific peels that can help you achieve that glowing, refreshed look:

Glycolic peels (20% and 35%): Glycolic peels are known for their ability to brighten the skin, fight the signs of ageing, and boost hydration. Glycolic acid is a powerful exfoliant that helps remove dead skin cells, revealing fresher, more radiant skin underneath.

However, Nikolic advises against using the 50% glycolic peel during the summer months, as it can increase sun sensitivity. Stick to the lower concentrations to keep your skin glowing without the added risk.

Mandelic lactic acid peel: If you are someone who struggles with breakouts, has sensitive skin, or suffers from rosacea, this peel could be your best friend. The mandelic acid in this peel has anti-inflammatory properties, making it gentle yet effective on sensitive skin.

The lactic acid component provides hydration, leaving your skin feeling softer and smoother.

This peel is particularly useful for calming irritated skin while also providing a gentle exfoliation.

Kojic acid peel: Targeting pigmentation? The Kojic Acid Peel is your go-to solution. Kojic acid is known for its ability to lighten dark spots and reduce pigmentation.

For an even more effective treatment, it can be combined with glycolic or mandelic acid. This combination can provide a powerful punch against stubborn pigmentation issues, helping to even out your skin tone and restore its natural brightness.

“The beauty industry will continue to innovate, offering valuable benefits. However, it’s important to remember that beauty is subjective.

“Consulting with experienced professionals ensures that you receive advice tailored to your unique features, helping you find what truly works for you,” said Nikolic.

Remember, the journey to great skin is not about making drastic changes overnight. Instead, it’s about taking small, consistent steps towards healthier, more beautiful skin — just as Nikolic advises.

So, as the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, let’s embrace the natural look and give our skin the care it needs in order to shine.