Addressing the fatherless crisis: South African men urged to follow Mandiba’s lead

As Mandela Month provides an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of the Father of the Nation, it also serves as a reminder for men to step up and follow his lead in rebuilding families and communities. Picture by Lauren Lulu Taylor/unsplash

As Mandela Month provides an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of the Father of the Nation, it also serves as a reminder for men to step up and follow his lead in rebuilding families and communities. Picture by Lauren Lulu Taylor/unsplash

Published Jul 18, 2023


In honour of Mandela Month, Ndinatsei Mumbengegwi, Global Brands Product Manager at Population Services International (PSI), the manufacturers of Trust Condoms, issued a powerful call to South African men to follow in the footsteps of the Father of the Nation.

Mumbengegwi highlighted the devastating impact of fatherlessness on society, asserting that it lies at the root of many social ills that plague South Africa.

The absence of fathers, particularly in the lives of boys, significantly increases the likelihood of troubled adulthood. Fatherless homes tend to be poorer and behavioural issues become more prevalent.

These issues can subsequently lead to higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse as well as poor emotional and physical health. Furthermore, individuals raised in fatherless environments tend to under-perform academically and teenage pregnancy rates soar.

Picture: Ndinatsei Mumbengegwi, Global Brands Product Manager at Population Services International (PSI), the manufacturers of Trust Condoms.

‘’This cycle of fatherlessness negatively impacts individuals and communities, perpetuating itself across generations,’’ Mumbengegwi explained.

While the fatherless crisis is most severe in America, where nearly a quarter of children live in single-parent homes, Statistics South Africa reveals that the burden is unevenly distributed among different population groups in this country.

Only 31.7% of black children live with their biological fathers, compared to 51.3% of coloured children. However, the figures are significantly higher for Asian (86.1%) and white (80.2%) children.

To combat this complex challenge, Trust Condoms launched a programme earlier this year aimed at encouraging men to become better versions of themselves.

The initiative began on Valentine's Day and was followed by The Good Men Conference on February 28. This conference provided a virtual and in-person platform for men to share stories and recommit to their roles as fathers.

Trust Condoms is determined to address this pressing issue and make a tangible difference in society. By encouraging men to embrace their responsibilities as fathers, Trust Condoms aims to break the cycle of fatherlessness and create a better future for South Africa.

As Mandela Month provides an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of the Father of the Nation, it also serves as a reminder for men to step up and follow his lead in rebuilding families and communities.

With Trust Condoms leading the charge, South African men are being called upon to become the positive role models their children need, ensuring a brighter future for all.

Mumbengegwi posits that men who have children should commit to being better fathers by putting aside time to spend with them and to clean up their acts with their partners and/ or the children’s mother.

Men can also join or start a man’s group to share challenges and gain inspiration and support in their journey to become better men.

Men, especially those who are not fathers, can also play a positive role by offering to mentor fatherless boys—what’s wanted is a role model, and it doesn’t have to be the biological father, she says.

Here, even though the fatherlessness crisis is the worst in the black population, the group’s strong culture of extended families holds the key to the solution.

“Taking these positive steps has the potential to make a big change in society. Children, especially boys, will learn how to behave, and ultimately, we will start to see this the intergenerational cycle being broken,” said Mumbengegwi.

She added: ‘’Madiba pulled off what seemed to be impossible by acting like a father to us all— if our men follow suit, the results will be even more spectacular.’’