Here are some gentle, healthy tips to manage end-of-year stress

It's important to acknowledge and address this "end-of-year" stress to protect our physical and mental well-being. Picture: Mariana Rascão /Unsplash

It's important to acknowledge and address this "end-of-year" stress to protect our physical and mental well-being. Picture: Mariana Rascão /Unsplash

Published Oct 31, 2023


As we approach the end of the year, many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the stress of responsibilities, expectations and financial pressures.

The holiday season can bring up old grudges and insecurities, adding to the strain. It's important to acknowledge and address this ‘’end-of-year’’ stress to protect our physical and mental well-being.

Doryce Sher, founder of Aromatic Apothecary and a qualified pharmacist and aromatherapist, explains the importance of recognising the signs of being overwhelmed by end-of-year stress.

She suggests paying attention to your breathing, as quick and shallow breaths are a sign of stress. Difficulty relaxing, anxiety symptoms, and poor sleep quality are also indicators that stress is taking its toll.

Feeling on the verge of tears or experiencing irritability and a short temper are common signs of being overwhelmed. Recognising these signals is crucial in managing end-of-year stress and finding emotional balance.

Fortunately, there are gentle and healthy ways to cope with this stress and find enjoyment in navigating the year-end challenges. Here are some tips:

Prioritise and plan

Take time to prioritise your tasks, obligations and social activities. Use calendars and to-do lists to organise your schedule and make sure to include relaxation and downtime.

Reduce your load

Set realistic goals and commitments. Limit exposure to news and social media, as constant information overload can be mentally exhausting. Distance yourself from activities that negatively impact your mental health.

Practice mindfulness

Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine, such as deep breathing and meditation. Stay present and focus on the task at hand to reduce worry, anxiety and stress.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Stay physically active, even if it means taking short walks when you're busy. Make healthy eating choices, stay hydrated, and prioritise sufficient sleep. Taking care of your physical well-being boosts your energy levels and resilience.

Rethink your holiday time

Consider having a ‘’home holiday’’ instead of planning stressful travel. Relax, sleep, enjoy activities at home, and spend quality time with loved ones. Baking, playing board games, and exploring your neighbourhood can be great ways to unwind without the stress of travel.

Manage stress naturally

Explore holistic solutions like aromatherapy, which can be safely integrated with conventional medicines if needed. Aromatherapy oils can help calm the body, promote deep breathing, and reduce anxiety.

They create positive outcomes and support healing with repeated use. They're also safe for children experiencing end-of-year stress.