Six ways that prove newborn babies are far smarter than adults believe

Ever wonder what’s happening upstairs as you gaze into your baby’s eyes? Picture: Pexels/Mart Production

Ever wonder what’s happening upstairs as you gaze into your baby’s eyes? Picture: Pexels/Mart Production

Published Jul 14, 2023


Ever wonder what’s happening upstairs as you gaze into your baby’s eyes? It might be a lot more than you imagine, though.

Psychologists and philosophers have long held the view that infants and young children are essentially flawed people who are illogical, egotistical and incapable of reasoning logically.

According to “The New York Post”, psychologist William James believed that infants’ minds were like “blooming, buzzing confusion”, while philosopher John Locke thought they were like “a blank slate”.

Even today, many people assume that there isn’t much going on when they glance at babies and young children.

However, new studies show that infants and young children know, watch, explore, fantasise and learn more than we ever imagined was possible. They have various abilities that adults lack.

From birth to age one, the size of our newborns’ brains fully doubles, which is an amazing rate of development. Additionally, according to a study from Psychology Today, a baby’s brain has twice as many synapses – roughly 1 000 trillion – as an average adult’s brain does.

Young youngsters explore a wide range of possibilities in their imaginations. Certain possibilities become considerably more likely and valuable as people become older and take in more evidence.

They then base their decisions on this biassed knowledge, and they grow more hesitant to abandon those beliefs and attempt something new.

According to computer experts, a system will learn more if it investigates a wide range of alternatives, but it will be more successful if it takes only the most likely action. Adults take advantage; babies investigate.

Each type of intellect has advantages and disadvantages. Planning and concentration help you reach your objective more quickly, but they can also lock in what you know and prevent you from considering other options.

Both bold hypotheses and practical planning are necessary. Infants and young children should be encouraged to explore because that is part of their design.

It is extremely different from schoolwork for newborns and early children to learn on their own when they attentively observe an unexpected outcome and make new inferences from it, endlessly manipulate a novel toy or conceive of other worlds.

From dolls to cardboard boxes to mixing bowls and even toy cellphones and computers, babies and early children can learn about the world through a variety of real-world items and safe copies.

Babies can pick up a lot just by investigating how various bowls fit together or by mimicking their parents talking on the phone.

Ever wonder what’s happening upstairs as you gaze into your baby's eyes? Picture: Pexels/Mart Production

According to research by SciTechDaily, here are six fantastic examples of how smart newborns are:

They are able to distinguish between languages when someone speaks them just how based on the speaker’s expression!

According to a University of British Columbia study, children can recognise visual clues such as the speaker’s face movement and mouth form as early as four months old, according to Healthline.

Additionally, kids under six months old are far better than adults at differentiating between sounds from various languages. However, this is only true for the first six months of life, indicating that learning multiple languages quickly is a case of “use it or lose it”.

They give in to peer pressure

A study indicated that two-year-olds were more inclined to replicate a behaviour if three or more of their classmates were performing it as opposed to just one, according to WebMD, who cited the Cell Biology study.

So, surround your intelligent baby or toddler with good-eating, well-behaved companions if you want them to eat well, snooze and be kind.

Your perceptive infant understands how others are experiencing

Babies are able to recognise shifts in Beethoven’s music’s mood, according to a Brigham Young University study, The Guardian writes.

Babies are able to associate images of dogs with associated threatening or friendly body language with the angry dog barks and pleasant dog sounds, according to the same research group.

They comprehend the meaning of words

According to conventional thinking, babies don’t connect names to objects until they are at least a year old. However, it turns out that before babies can speak, at around six months old, they start to understand. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania asked parents to ask their infants, “Where are the eyes?” after showing them pictures of various body parts. According to research from the Cleveland Clinic, babies spent the longest amount of time staring at the forest region of the body (the abdomen), indicating that they understand what the phrase means.

They have a naturally generous nature

According to a recent study, babies are happier when they are more giving, according to The New York Post. Babies were encouraged to feed a puppet one cracker that was given to them by researchers.

Following that, they handed the kid two crackers and instructed them to give one to a puppet. After gauging the child’s reaction, they discovered that giving a single cracker away made the babies happier than sharing crackers.

The research university said that aiding others in need was a basic human instinct.

Your wise infant understands what is and is not fair.

At just over a year old, babies can identify when someone is getting the raw deal, says Psychology Today. Toddlers were made to watch videos of a group of adults receiving milk and crackers in equal and different amounts by University of Washington researchers.

The fact that the toddlers paid more attention to the uneven distribution suggests that they were aware of and perplexed by it.

In later experiments, the kids who were most aware of the milk and cracker inequity were more inclined to give gifts to other kids and act in other ways that were kind to others.

Children, however, focus on, obsess over and vividly visualise the individuals in their immediate surroundings. There are no ideal toys and no secret ingredient.

Young children learn best when their parents and other carers pay attention to them, engage with them organically, and most importantly, just let them play.