What are some of the most effective techniques to maintain and increase collagen in your skin naturally?

Research shows topical treatments could shield the skin from the sun's rays and pigmentation changes. But there isn't enough proof to say whether it works or which formulation is most likely to be efficient. Picture: Pexels

Research shows topical treatments could shield the skin from the sun's rays and pigmentation changes. But there isn't enough proof to say whether it works or which formulation is most likely to be efficient. Picture: Pexels

Published Sep 8, 2023


Collagen is the key to attractive skin, so the way to maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin should be no secret. Did you realise that collagen makes up about 80% of our skin?

After the age of 20, we begin to lose about 1% of our collagen per year, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine. Every 10 years, we lose 7–10% of our collagen.

It follows that maintaining collagen is necessary if we want to keep our skin looking young.

Collagen is the most common protein in the body, according to Skin Technique. In addition to other sites, it can be found in tendons, fat, and ligaments. It is essential to the strength of our bone structure and helps the parts of our body fit together.

Another type of protein found in the body is elastin. The arteries and lungs, among other areas of the body that contract, contain elastin. Elastin's remarkable ability to snap back into place and preserve its original shape is the reason behind this.

Skin contains the proteins elastin and collagen. Together, they contribute to the texture and contour of the skin. Skin that has healthy levels of both collagen and elastin is not only stronger but also more youthful.

Collagen is an ingredient in many skincare items. Hydrolysed collagen in creams and other topical preparations can moisturise the skin, according to 2020 research, while oral collagen supplements may help increase the amount of collagen in the body, according to “Healthline”.

Together, they might aid in skin smoothing and wrinkle reduction.

Consuming meals high in vitamin C and antioxidants, refraining from smoking, consuming little to no caffeine, and wearing sunscreen can all help maintain or increase collagen production. The body creates more high-quality collagen when a person is younger.

High concentrations of high-grade collagen increase the skin's suppleness. The body creates less collagen as people age, giving the skin a looser appearance. According to research published by the Dermatological Society of South Africa, skincare products may aid in skin tightening but are unlikely to have a significant influence.

The more collagen you have, the more your body can make. How can we increase collagen production? What can we do to stop the 1% loss of collagen that starts as early as the age of 20? How can we stop collagen from breaking down and routinely stimulate collagen production?

Continue reading to learn how you may encourage your body to produce collagen naturally.


The herb coriander is frequently used in recipes. It contains vitamin C, which has been associated with increases in collagen formation, according to Science Direct. Linolenic acid, a component of coriander, has been shown to be a potent skin anti-ageing agent.

Antioxidants included in linolenic acid combat the free radicals that damage healthy skin cells. You can buy coriander extract and take it orally as a detoxifier.


The Panax ginseng plant has been shown to have anti-ageing properties. Ginseng helps skin maintain its original structure and is absorbed into the skin without producing the side effects that many man-made formulations have.

A study posted on ResearchGate demonstrates that it has also been discovered to encourage collagen development.

Research has demonstrated that ginseng can protect skin from sun damage caused by UV rays. When you consume ginseng tea or ginseng supplements, antioxidants are released into your bloodstream, protecting healthy cells and promoting bright skin.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Hyaluronic acid is synthesised with the help of vitamin C. Hyaluronic acid has received praise for shortening healing times and easing aching joints. Your body won't benefit fully from meals that contain hyaluronic acid if you don't consume enough vitamin C.

According to one study, hyaluronic acid may aid in increasing the body's production of the protein collagen, “Healthline” reports. The body naturally produces hyaluronic acid, but as we get older, less of it is produced.

Both hyaluronic acid and collagen are found in higher concentrations in the bodies of people whose diets are high in vitamin C and amino acids. Oranges, red peppers, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, and other foods are all high in vitamin C. You can buy concentrated hyaluronic acid at the pharmacy.


Ingredients from marine plants are becoming more and more common in beauty regimens. This is due to the fact that "oxidation"—the exposure of your skin to substances like pollution, which can harm cell growth—causes the majority of skin damage.

Algae, according to WebMD, can stop oxidation from robbing your skin of its collagen and flexibility. Most health food stores sell oral supplements containing algae.

Aloe vera

For centuries, aloe vera gel has been used to treat and comfort wounds. The aloe vera plant promotes collagen formation when applied topically or even consumed orally, which is why it works to cure cuts and burns.

The ability to stimulate cell growth can help your skin produce more collagen. Aloe can be applied directly to the skin in its purest form or through the use of any of several products that are available.

The quality of your skin may be improved by taking an oral aloe vera supplement, according to at least one National Centre for Biotechnology Information study.

Avoid spending too much time in the sun or on a tanning bed if you want to help your skin look younger and healthier. Smoking can also prematurely age your skin. Using sunscreen when outdoors is one way to maintain a glowing, healthy complexion.

Some collagen supplements may have adverse effects. The most frequent side effects include allergic reactions, joint pain, and excessive calcium production. Be cautious when using any type of collagen supplement if you have allergies to seafood or meat products.

Although a youthful appearance is highly regarded, beauty goes beyond the surface. A healthy complexion is a reliable indicator of how your entire body is doing. The effects of ageing cannot be totally reversed. Protecting your skin now, when it's healthy, is far simpler than trying to fix it afterwards.