Daily Maverick and Sam Sole Gloating over potential Independent Media retrenchments

Newspaper House in Cape Town was home to Independent Newspapers. Picture: David Ritchie / Independent Newspapers

Newspaper House in Cape Town was home to Independent Newspapers. Picture: David Ritchie / Independent Newspapers

Published Sep 18, 2024


By Masibongwe Sihlahla

The recent announcement of possible retrenchment of Independent Media staff is a devastating blow to the journalism industry, and it's appalling to see Daily Maverick and Sam Sole gloating over the misfortune of their colleagues whom they have slandered gleefully in the past.

Sam Sole, a contributor to Daily Maverick, has a long history of animosity towards Independent Media and is the leading cause of perpetuating malicious and negative reporting that has contributed to the decline of Independent Media in the eyes of the reading public. His vitriolic articles and misleading sensationalized headlines have not only damaged the reputation of Independent Media but have also had a direct impact on the livelihoods of journalists and staff members who now stand to lose their jobs, I am sure Sam Sole is very proud of his accomplishment.

By reading the latest DM article it's reprehensible that Sam Sole and Daily Maverick appear to be celebrating the downfall of their rivals, revelling in the misery of those who have been the victim of their poison pens and who are now affected by the possible retrenchments. This lack of empathy and professionalism is a stark reminder of the toxic culture that pervades certain sections of the mainstream media who benefited under apartheid and still enjoy the fruits of apartheid.

Moreover, it's ironic that Daily Maverick, which prides itself on being a beacon of investigative journalism, has been complicit in the destruction of a media institution that has a long proud history of serving the broad public interest and not only the interest of the privileged and powerful elite. Sam Sole's contributions to this debacle is a testament to the dangers of unchecked journalistic power due their abuse of the Bill of Human Rights contained in Chapter 3 of the constitution which the likes of Dr Iqbal Survé has fought for whilst those at Daily Maverick were defending apartheid and the human rights abuses which accompanied it.

The possible retrenchment of Independent Media staff would be a loss not only to Dr Iqbal Survé and Sekunjalo but for the entire media industry. It will also not only be a loss just for those who will be directly affected but for the many family members dependent on that income. It is especially a low blow to media diversity which our country urgently and critically need after three decades of democracy , but it is also a setback for the public's right to access reliable and unbiased information.

In this context, Daily Maverick and Sam Sole's gloating is not only distasteful but also hypocritical. They claim to be champions of press freedom and media independence, yet they have contributed to the downfall of a rival media institution and are now revelling in its demise where staff need to be retrenched.

The mainstream media who have benefited under apartheid and still enjoying the fruits of apartheid need to take a long, hard look at themselves and reflect on the consequences of their racist, irresponsible and malicious reporting. It's time for journalists and media outlets to hold themselves accountable for their actions and to prioritise the public interest over personal agendas and rivalries. It is a testament to the hard work of Dr Iqbal Survé that he has run Independent Media so well providing unbiased news to South Africa's discreet readers but also jobs which sustained many thousands, however besides the vicious campaign to undermine Independent Media by its sworn enemies Dr Iqbal Survé did acknowledge that costs such as ink and paper contributing 60% was becoming prohibitive.

Looking ahead, the possible retrenchment of Independent Media staff is a tragedy that should be mourned, not celebrated. Daily Maverick and Sam Sole's actions are a stain on the reputation of the media industry, and they must be held accountable for their role in this debacle especially in their role in drumming up support in the media for the closure of Independent Media banking accounts. Not ONCE did they declare support for a fellow media company but contributed towards handicapping it at every step of the way from false, malicious articles to slandering the dignity of it's owners and management.

* Masibongwe Sihlahla is an independent writer and political commentator.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Independent Media or IOL.