Don’t place posters on electricity structures, warns Eskom

South Africa - Cape Town - 15 April 2024 - Election posters on lampposts in the Cape Town CBD: Eskom has warned that party posters should not be placed on electricity structures. Photographer: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

South Africa - Cape Town - 15 April 2024 - Election posters on lampposts in the Cape Town CBD: Eskom has warned that party posters should not be placed on electricity structures. Photographer: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

Published Apr 28, 2024


ESKOM has warned political parties that it is illegal to place election posters on Eskom’s electricity structures.

In a statement yesterday, Eskom acknowledged that South Africa was preparing for elections on May 29, but warned political parties placing election posters on its structures as part of their campaigns not to do so because of disrupting electricity supply

The power utility said that In the past there had been incidents where persons were electrocuted when putting up these posters.

“As such, Eskom would like to caution all political parties against the dangerous practice of placing campaign posters on electrical structures. This includes electricity poles, electricity towers, meter boxes and mini substations.

“Electricity is invisible to the naked eye and the risk is that when someone gets close to or touches them it may result in an inadvertent flash-over or electrical contact. This can cause serious injuries to the person, or even be fatal.

“Only authorised personnel are allowed to climb or work on these electrical structures.”

Section 19 (5) of the Electrical Machinery Regulations states: “No person shall encroach in person or with objects on the minimum safety clearances required in terms of sub-regulation (1) or require or permit any other person to do so except by permission of the supplier or user operating the powerline.

“Attaching posters to an electrical structure is not only a contravention of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (No.85 of 1993), but also puts the lives of your valuable employees, members of the public and volunteers at risk,” read the statement.

“Eskom cares about your safety and we request you to refrain from attaching posters to electrical structures to prevent injury or loss of lives.”

During the elections period, parties were allowed to erect posters but there were rules that should be adhered to.

Posters are not permitted on electrical distribution boxes, any street furniture (e.g. bus shelters), walls, fences, trees, rocks or other natural features.

Although there is no limit on the number of political party posters permitted, only one election poster per party per light pole is allowed, and only one additional event poster (eg, a poster advertising a meeting or rally) per party per light pole.

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