No capital, no problem: Free side hustles to make money online

FILE - The internet offers scores of ways to make money online - some without spending a dime. Let's look at a few ways to make money without taking a penny out of your pocket. FILE PHOTO: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

FILE - The internet offers scores of ways to make money online - some without spending a dime. Let's look at a few ways to make money without taking a penny out of your pocket. FILE PHOTO: Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

Published Nov 4, 2022


While there's no such thing as a free lunch, the growth and vastness of the internet offer scores of ways to make money online - without a dime and legally.

Needless to say, it may not be the easiest of tasks, but with a little bit of elbow grease, making money online without spending a cent can be achieved.

While the notion of 'free money', especially as it is used online, might seem implausible, many actions and plans from large corporations and government are in place that alludes to this.

Take, for example, the push to drive digital access and the internet to unserviced South Africans in poorer rural areas.

It has been stated and proven that greater access to the internet can lead to job creation and business development.

With the lockdown brought on by Covid-19 acting as a catalyst for many businesses created from home during the period, taking for granted that many would have been started with a little bit of float - the very real possibility of coining it online or even as a side hustle - are even evident among scores of case studies.

That being said, let's get into a few ways to make online riches without a penny in your pocket:

Virtual Personal Assistant

While it may not be everyone's forte - according to job vacancy website, virtual personal assistants stand to make almost R350 per hour, and with 'quick maths', this can result in upward of R1000 a day for three hours of work, which can equate to more than Money Today's estimated average local income of R23 982.

Without monetary value attached, the task at hand may come at the cost of efficiency in planning, taking calls and replying to emails, just like a regular secretary would.

Still, this line of work will become more popularised with the rise of the virtual world - the Metaverse. Visiting recruitment websites will offer a range of these remote opportunities, many of which can be done alongside a regular job as a side hustle.


Calling all writers and grammar nerds. With Artificial Intelligence still in its infancy in relation to speech-to-text conversion, companies' scores globally rely on the human touch.

Transcribing audio to text is an in-demand working opportunity sought after by companies which allow you to choose the time and schedule to complete the task. Sign up for a website like Rev to find opportunities like this which employ freelancers.

Of course, you will need to sharpen your writing, grammar and turnaround skills to become a successful and sought-after transcriber. However, this becomes another opportunity to make money online or as a side hustle.


Can't write? That's okay too.

This brings us to our next opportunity - freelancing. Writing is far from the only freelance opportunity available, which is where freelancing websites are available to showcase your talent.

Among the scores available, Fiverr is one of the best. For example, it offers a range of freelance opportunities and, depending on your skill, can generate a decent income without too much effort.

Sought-after skills among freelance websites include Graphics Design, Digital Marketing, Animation, Programming and Writing and Transcription.

Home Business

First and foremost, for the quickest and easiest win - if you already run a home business, your low-hanging fruit is ripe for the picking.

For example, if you're a butcher, baker or candlestick maker without an online presence, social media is your friend.

Social media will draw in a customer base never seen before, taking your business from a street corner to the rest of the country.

For starters, sign your business up to pages across all social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - encourage your friends to like or subscribe to your business page and begin sharing images of your product, especially those with the potential to reach virality such as a nostalgic home cooked meal.

Surveying and Reviews

Okay, so many opportunities to make money online require some skill or talent, but what if you don't have any or want to keep your superpowers hidden from the world?

An easy way to generate a small income without capital is through surveys and reviews of websites. Scores of businesses offer users an opportunity to make money by reviewing websites and free products and offering testimonials.

While many are available, it is important to exercise caution when visiting websites that promise an income through reviews. Researching the one you intend on signing up for is a must. Some of the trusted websites include UserTesting, TryMyUI and Testbirds.

IOL Tech