Action SA alleges corruption in incomplete RDP housing project in Soweto

Mlungisi Mabaso.Image:file

Mlungisi Mabaso.Image:file

Published Oct 10, 2022


The City of Johannesburg is investigating corruption related to the Lufhereng housing development project in Soweto, where people have been allocated houses before the project was completed.

This comes after a motion passed in council in April to have an investigation into the matter. The motion had been brought forth by former coalition partner Action SA.

The Star understands that the motion for the investigation was tabled but the findings of that investigation had still not been brought to council.

According to municipal documents on the matter; “In its launch in 2008 the project was projected to comprise 6 000 rental units, 6 000 bonded units and 12 000 RDP units as week as schools, clinics, crèches agricultural and commercial land,” the document said.

According to Action SA’s complaint it has been more than a decade since the project started. While the project was still not completed people had been allocated to the houses.

“Widespread concerns exist within the surrounding communities that the allocation of these houses has been allegedly corrupted in such a manner that beneficiaries now include relatives and partners of politically connected people, as well as undocumented foreign nationals,” document said.

Sources in the municipal council told The Star that the report into the Lufhereng project had been with held by the previous government of the City of Johannesburg, and was being used to black mail the IFP and its former MMC for housing in the City of Johannesburg Mlungisi Mabaso.

Mabaso served under an ANC coalition for a number of years as housing MMC. He also served as Housing MMC under the DA-led coalition.

The Star spoke to IFP national spokesperson, Mkhuleko Hlengwa who said Mabaso did a sterling job as the MMC for Housing in the City of Johannesburg.

“Our MMC was equal to the task and he was doing a good job and he did a lot for the people,” Hlengwa said,

Hlengwa added that he believed that the new government in the City of Johannesburg had pulled a political heist and taken power using underhanded means.

He said the IFP believed that former Johannesburg Mayor Mpho Phalatse was well within her rights to go to court and challenge her ousting. Hlengwa said despite new developments, the IFP would stick to its coalition agreements with the DA.

The Star contacted Mabaso for comment in the investigation into the Lufhereng housing project.

Mabaso denied any wrongdoing during his time as housing MMC. He said he knew nothing about a report into the project.

"You have published a story talking about reports that I don't even know myself," Mabaso said.

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