AfriForum tackles revenge porn

Published Jan 9, 2023


Johannesburg - With the rise of gender-based violence and the use of social media platforms as tools, revenge porn has emerged as a new form of abuse.

Civil society organisation AfriForum Private Prosecution Unit is involved in a case involving John Schuurman, also known as Johnny Rockett, who was arrested on December 23.

Schuurman was granted bail of R2 000 on January 6 in the Pretoria North Magistrate’s Court.

According to the organisation, last year the unit helped Lindrie Gouws open a case against Schuurman after he allegedly distributed intimate photographs of Gouws to her friends, intending to embarrass and cause her emotional harm.

“This type of crime is called revenge porn and is a form of gender-based violence (GBV). Gouws is Schuurman’s ex-wife, and they share a child.

“This so-called revenge porn case is a first for the unit, which has taken a strong stand against all forms of GBV. The case was opened on September 23 at the Sinoville Police Station for contravention of the Film and Publications Act, contravention of the Cyber Crimes Act, as well as crimen injuria,” said an AfriForum statement.

The organisation said it had helped several victims file criminal complaints against Schuurman, including Milena Hill.

“She approached the unit out of concern that her assault case would not proceed because of Schuurman’s alleged contacts within the SAPS. Unfortunately, that matter was removed from the court roll last year because prosecutors failed to ensure the docket was in court. The unit is closely monitoring developments to ensure it is re-enrolled.

“In another matter involving Schuurman, the unit assisted Tyron Treurnich to open a case of assault to do grievous bodily harm, malicious damage to property, and theft,” added the organisation.

According to the organisation’s statement, Schuurman was alleged to have lured Treurnich to a residential complex under the pretence of cutting a client’s hair. He was led upstairs to a bedroom in a flat, and Treurnich alleges that it was then that Schuurman appeared and severely assaulted him, accusing him of stealing from him.

“While the unit is encouraged that Schuurman will finally face justice in the revenge porn matter, we are concerned with how the NPA is handling the application. The State initially informed the court that the bail application would be opposed, but inexplicably decided not to oppose it at the last minute.

“These crucial facts set out the gender-based violent nature of the case and provide important information related to previous allegations of threats and abuse,” said the unit’s spokesperson, Barry Bateman.

Bateman said the failure by the State to adequately inform the court of all the facts related to the case and of the accused once again demonstrates that the NPA simply does not take cases of violence against women seriously.

“The public regularly questions why the courts grant bail to perpetrators of GBV, and the State’s handling of this matter is a prime example,” said Bateman.

The Star

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