ANC Youth League marks 79th anniversary celebrations

ANC Deputy President Paul Mashatile and ANC Mpumalanga Chairperson Mandla Ndlovu met the ANC Youth League leadership for a briefing to cross the t's and dot the i's as they head to the ANC Youth League's 79th anniversary celebration. Picture: ANC Media

ANC Deputy President Paul Mashatile and ANC Mpumalanga Chairperson Mandla Ndlovu met the ANC Youth League leadership for a briefing to cross the t's and dot the i's as they head to the ANC Youth League's 79th anniversary celebration. Picture: ANC Media

Published Sep 11, 2023


Johannesburg - The ANC leadership congratulated the structure on this milestone, saying that the party continues to extricate South Africa from the morass created and entrenched in all facets of society by inherited apartheid patterns.

"We reassert this clarion call and refrain contained in the Youth League's founding manifesto. The youth must not allow the struggles and sacrifices of our forebears to be in vain. Our forebears fought so that we are equipped to address the twin tasks of the ANC Youth League," the party said in a statement.

The ANC further said that as the youth structure of the governing party, they looked forward to initiatives from the Youth League that will ensure that young people defend the gains of democracy so that the National Democratic Revolution is not undermined.

"The ANC stands ready to support the Youth League to lead efforts to establish sufficient support and diversionary programmes available for youth through more community recreational, sports, and educational facilities."

"Furthermore, the ANC stands ready to support the Youth League in ensuring that the energies of young people lend vigour and dynamism to the process of social transformation by organising and campaigning around issues of special interest to young people in both economic and social spheres," added the party.

The ANC further said that the youth league would continue with the spirit of the 1944 generation, which heralded the beginning of the youth league.

"May the current generation pick up the baton," read the statement.

Meanwhile, in another statement, the party said that they were gravely concerned about the crisis engulfing the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) in the disbursement of social grants.

"The ANC condemns acts that impugn the dignity of the people and offend against the Constitution, leaving millions in hunger and unimaginable suffering," they said.

The ANC said that they assure the country that they will provide leadership in resolving the crisis in this critical moment of need.

"We will update the nation on our interventions to ensure a speedy resolution of this crisis," read the party statement.

The Star