Crime stats released, decrease in murder and rape

South Africa - Pretoria - 18 August 2023. Police Minister Bheki Cele presents the first quarter of 2023/2024 crime statistics reported and detected by the South African Police Service (SAPS). Picture: Oupa Mokoena / African News Agency (ANA)

South Africa - Pretoria - 18 August 2023. Police Minister Bheki Cele presents the first quarter of 2023/2024 crime statistics reported and detected by the South African Police Service (SAPS). Picture: Oupa Mokoena / African News Agency (ANA)

Published Aug 18, 2023


The latest crime statistics, released by Police Minister Bheki Cele, have shown a positive trajectory for the country, with a significant decrease in murders in the first quarter.

Cele revealed earlier today that for the first time since 2020, between April and June this year, the murder rate had declined from 6 228, down by 196, compared to the previous year at 6 424.

Out of the 6 228 people killed during this period, 1 188 were reported to be women and children.

Other crimes, including contact crimes, decreased by 1.6%, property-related crimes by 4.5% and a 1.9% decrease in sexual related crimes during this quarter.

Police efforts have also seen a 2.8% decline in rape and sexual assaults by 3.8% in the past three months.

The minister said while they were heartened by the decreases, which he accredited to intensified policing operations, he stressed that crime levels were still 'unacceptably high,' especially violent crimes.

‘’It does remain concerning that robberies at people's homes are still stubbornly high. We must strengthen policing efforts and work closer with the private security sector and community patrollers to prevent such home invasions where people are meant to be the safest.

‘’The crime figures show that the majority of sexual assaults are still taking place between people that are familiar with each other. Sexual assaults are taking place in the homes of victims and perpetrators; and it is on this score that we call on society not to look away.’’

Since the start of the period, Cele said police had arrested over 70 000 people, excluding the previous weekend.

He highlighted that law enforcement was focusing in particular on those with an outstanding warrant of arrest, mostly related to serious crimes like murder, rape and hijacking.

This comes, as he noted, growing concerns about the number of foreign nationals in the country illegally linked to these crimes.