EFF is calling for Curro executive head to be fired and charged with hate speech

Published Aug 7, 2023


Johannesburg - The EFF in Gauteng says it is infuriated by the “racist” actions of Curro Academy Protea Glen Primary School executive head, Shanette Tiquin, who is accused of calling a black teacher a “monkey".

The Star published an article on Monday about Tiquin allegedly calling teacher Nonkululeko Gwatyu a "monkey".

"We call for Tiquin's immediate removal and that she be officially criminally charged with hate speech. This happened on the school premises on June 3, 2023," said EFF Gauteng provincial chairperson Nkululeko Ndunga.

This incident was reported to the school, and a formal complaint was lodged by Gwatyu.

"Unsurprisingly, the school's head of operations cowardly engaged in a malicious compliance process, shielded the racist Mrs Tiquin from accountability, and insinuated that there should not be consequences for racism.

“This comes as no surprise as Curro Schools are forever making headlines for their unrepentant racist behaviour," Dunga said.

In 2015, parents at Curro schools in the Northern Cape took to the streets, accusing Curro of segregation. In the same year, Curro Roodeplaat, near Pretoria, was also accused of segregating its learners.

In 2018, Curro Waterfall was accused of racist labour practises, and in 2019, cleaners at Curro Oakdene were allegedly called three little monkeys by a teacher while having lunch in a staff room.

"The Curro Holdings Group is owned and managed by unrepentant racists who reminisce about the old days of apartheid. To date, no real action has been taken against Curro Holdings," he said.

Dunga said South Africa remains deeply scarred by its apartheid and colonial histories. Black people in this country still cannot reconcile the fact that, almost 30 years into democracy, they have yet to experience any form of reparations.

"The transition from apartheid to democracy has not yielded any decisive structural change in our society. White racists are still arrogant and display their racism without any fear of consequences.

"The EFF calls for the removal of racist Tiquin as executive head of the school and that she be dismissed from her job with immediate effect.

“We further call on the SA Human Rights Council to pay specific attention to cases of racism levelled against Curro Holdings as these incidents are not isolated.

"Racism must be criminalised, and perpetrators who seek to humiliate and insult the dignity of black people must be made to pay the harshest penalty. This evil cannot be left untouched any longer," Dunga said.

He said the EFF will also monitor this case and ensure that justice is served for black people in general across all Curro Schools and Gwatyu in particular.

Curro Executive School Operations Manager Fergus Sampson said they are dealing with the incident at Curro Academy Protea Glen.

"Curro Holdings abhors racism in all its forms. We take allegations of racism seriously and view them as urgent matters requiring due process, a thorough, fair investigation, and a carefully considered response to ensure the outcome is appropriate," said Sampson.

He said that across all its schools, Curro Holdings reiterates that it is completely committed to unity, racial cohesion, and dignity for all.

"We do not condone any form of discrimination, bullying, intolerance, hate speech, or derogatory language that affects human dignity.

“Curro Holdings has taken these allegations very seriously. An investigation is under way. However, the details surrounding this case are complex. An external mediator has been appointed to assist," said Sampson.

The Star

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