Minister Nzimande condemns arson and vandalism at Fort Hare

Published Jun 8, 2023


Johannesburg - The Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, has condemned reported incidents of arson that destroyed the foyer of the Indoor Sports Centre at the University of Fort Hare’s Alice Campus.

Nzimande has welcomed the swift response by the university staff and students who contained the raging fire and the immediate response by the university management in collaboration with law enforcement agencies for the identification and arrest of 12 suspects.

“The government cannot, and will not, tolerate the destruction of property, for whatever reasons that might be provided,” Nzimande said. “Arson, vandalism, and intimidation will never justify, or be associated with, any legitimate forms of protest and should be condemned unequivocally by all, including the students themselves.

“I am further delighted that this unfortunate incident did not disturb the academic project and that the midyear exams are well under way with no disruption. The university must ensure that all students who are involved in this incident are also subjected to the university’s internal disciplinary processes.”

The minister also welcomed the decision by university management to closely monitor all examination venues by providing additional security.

The Star