SACP says it stands with Cuba ahead of US blockade vote

The Cuban national flag. Picture: Enrique De La Osa Reuters

The Cuban national flag. Picture: Enrique De La Osa Reuters

Published Nov 3, 2022


Johannesburg - The SACP has said that it stands with the Cuban government ahead of the UN General Assembly vote, calling for the end of what they call the illegal and criminal blockade imposed by the US government.

The party said that for 30 years, since its first vote in 1992, the UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly voted against the US’s illegal blockade of Cuba.

"The blockade, an act of war against the Cuban people, has continuously been imposed, with more stringent measures imposed over time, for over six decades. In doing so, the US government has wantonly disregarded international law by continuously violating the Cuban people’s right to self-determination and their country’s sovereignty," said the SACP.

The party said that due to the illegal blockade’s imposition, the Cuban people have suffered immeasurably, with their country losing more than $154 billion since its illegal imposition, in addition to various human sufferings.

"The people of the world have witnessed the humane system of Cuba, with many people, including in Africa, benefiting from Cuban solidarity. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuba sent 58 medical brigades to 48 countries in a long list of solidarity efforts with the people of the world. In contrast, the imperialist US regime blocked Cuba’s access to vital necessities to deal with the virus at home and produce its vaccine," added the party.

The party, however, commended the Cuban people, who they say have continuously improved their system and have over the years created health care and education systems that are ranked among the best in the world.

"Due to the socialist system, which puts people before profit, human life expectancy in Cuba is even higher than that of the imperialist USA, with their environment rated among the cleanest. The socialist system has helped them to better prepare for and react to natural disasters, the latest being the devastating Hurricane Ian, unlike in the USA and its territories, where the poor are often left to fend for themselves while the capitalists rake in more profits," said the party.

They affirmed that they would continue to play their practical role in collaboration with other solidarity forces in South Africa, Africa, and the world to reaffirm their solidarity with the Cuban people.

"The SACP calls for more voices in defence of the Cuban people’s right to self-determination and their nation’s right to sovereignty. To guarantee its own integrity, the UN must take more practical steps to ensure that the imperialist US regime abides by UN resolutions," the party said.

The Star

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