Cope councillor Makhubele condemns DA and Action SA on Dr Murunwa Makwarela and Cope attack

City of Joburg speaker Colleen Makhubele. Picture: Timothy Bernard African news Agency (ANA)

City of Joburg speaker Colleen Makhubele. Picture: Timothy Bernard African news Agency (ANA)

Published Mar 12, 2023


Colleen Makhubele

The “Dr Makwarela” (saga) has revealed yet again the heightened desperation levels of the multiparty and the extent of the bafoon state they are actually in. They made a public mockery of themselves in their true style of concocting and conniving to retain power at all costs.

Was it all necessary? Is Cilliers Brink so desperate for the mayoral chain that he would really go that far?

The DA and its boytjie Action SA’s lack of respect for the democratic process in local government has reached a point of disgust. The DA should consider changing its name from “Democratic Alliance” to “Dictatorship Alliance”.

Its failure to hand over power has been displayed in all Gauteng metros. It’s time we give credit to the ANC, because indeed it knows how to peacefully and co-operatively surrender power without being a public nuisance that behaves like a privileged spoilt child that feels somehow entitled to rule over black people and even override their human, democratic and constitutional voting rights that our forefathers and mothers died for at the hands of a white apartheid government.

What a sad day to watch DA and Action SA make the plight of a black man a politicking tool. The public disgrace they subjected Dr Makwarela to is unforgivable!

Clearly, they are so privileged that they don’t understand the struggle of a historically disadvantaged individual in this country. If they knew how many “Dr Makwarelas” we have in this nation, they would have at least treated him with a little bit of respect and protected his dignity.

This country is a ticking bomb for bankrupt, sequestered, broke, hopeless black entrepreneurs, black SMMEs and wandering black professionals with useless degrees and meaningless Master’s degrees! The privileged will never understand that. Their interest is to rule over the desperate subjects and amass political and economic power for the minorities.

The attack on Cope just displayed the poor and inferior intelligence and lack of ability to discern the state of their own flock’s dissatisfaction with their policies, ideologies, and their imposing and dictatorial leadership style. Attacking modern, progressive and resilient parties like Cope will not substitute their failure to inspire their councillors to buy into their manifestos and vote in line with the so-called “party mandate”.

Action SA leaders should do introspection on how it ended up having to perform lie detector tests instead of the pursuit of robust debates that lead to a common goal and purpose. Clearly, the DA and Action SA have more complex party issues of mixed or, rather, confused party stances with individuals who have different personal histories without any method to bring common understanding and discipline than what Cope is facing as a leadership contest issue.

The desperate actions to destroy minority parties and prove coalitions are problematic keep backfiring on the DA and Action SA. Unfortunately for them, it is now clear that this country has a lot of room for small, focused and agile parties that can serve our various populations. Our democracy needs the small, vigorous parties led by well-educated and highly motivated individuals and these parties have bovine forces that should never, never be underestimated!

The tragedy of DA, Action SA and the multiparty arrangement is that, to their own detriment, they have abused the people of Gauteng so much that they managed in just 14 months to squander their newly gained trust by superior attitudes of arrogance, misgovernment and maladministration in all metros. What a pity for them; they failed to weigh the consequences before making personal moves on black councillors, hoping to gain points on their miscalculated political chessboard.

*Cope Cllr Colleen Makhubele is speaker of the City of Joburg.

The Star

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