Mmusi’s talent can’t be ignored by those tired of tribalists and unionists who destroyed SA

Mmusi Maimane. Picture: Facebook

Mmusi Maimane. Picture: Facebook

Published Apr 7, 2021


By Peter Bachtis

Mmusi Maimane should be livid being referred to as a failed experiment.

The then DA political intelligentsia, Tony Leon and Helen Zille, knew they had to find a suitable “black” face, to front the party.

Mmusi, young, intelligent, non-racist, was the perfect candidate but too young, too inexperienced, yet they went ahead and promoted him into the insidious world of dog eat dog politics.

They set him up to fail as they scurried off, the one to Latin America and the other into political irrelevance.

Mmusi has a significant role to play in the broader South African political landscape; he is rapidly maturing into an important leader, who can step up and together with Herman Mashaba, shake off the rot that the ANC have thrust upon this country.

Such talent can’t be ignored, in particular by the exploding black middle class, who are sick to death of the tribalists and unionists, who have collectively destroyed the financial potential of this country.

The “South African Winds of Change” are upon us and we should support the new generation of political leadership that is emerging.

The Star

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mmusi maimane