Travelling with a sex toy? Why you should remove the batteries

Remove the batteries of your sex toy next time you travel. Picture: Pexels.

Remove the batteries of your sex toy next time you travel. Picture: Pexels.

Published Nov 15, 2019


Many travellers carry their sex toys on their travels - and that is not a bad thing. However, if you decide to carry your toy with you, you probably should remove the battery. 

A thread on Reddit shared insight on what happens when you forget to remove the battery in your sex toy. 

Flipitinthewaistband who worked in the aviation industry claimed that some toys end up vibrating during the loading of the bag. When that happens, the staff member needs to report the bag. 

The user offered some advice: “Women: if you pack a toy in your bag, take the batteries out. Because if I'm loading your bag, and I hear it vibrating, I have to tell my lead. Then my lead has to come to pull you off the aircraft, and you have to open your bag and turn off your toy in front of a bunch of giggling grown-ass men,” the user said. 

User mod1fier, who also worked on an airline, revealed a situation regarding sex toys. 

According to the airline's policy, the user had to open the bag in front of the traveller. 

“The first time it happened to me, I was a bit titillated, having heard stories from my co-workers. I got the name off the bag tag, went into the gate area and found her; a very large woman in her mid-50s, by my guess,” the user claimed.

The user said that the woman’s face was pale when told about her vibrating bag. 

“She asked if she couldn't just open the bag herself and 'take care of it', and I had to inform her that, no, she was not allowed to touch her bag until she reached her final destination.

"She reluctantly agreed and followed me outside. I opened her bag (she was in front of the wing, I was behind it but in view of her), and lifted the top layer of clothes to find the most elaborate dildo my young eyes had ever beheld,” mod1fier explained.

“I was able to maintain my professionalism long enough to remove the batteries, verify that the vibration had ceased and closed the bag. The few times I had a vibrating bag after that, I silently prayed for an electric toothbrush,” the user added.






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