Travel blogger Gary Bembridge took to TikTok to voice his opinion on the “weird” tipping policy on a Disney cruise ship
In the video he posted, Bembridge showcased a letter that passengers receive near the end of the trip. The letter includes details on how much money employees receive.
‘’It’s such a weird thing Disney does when you’re on a cruise,’’ he said. ‘’They give you this piece of paper towards the end that gives you the name of everyone that dealt with you.’’
He said the letter listed the employees and the percentage they received.
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‘’They then give you this envelope, you’re supposed to tear off the slip and give it to the server,’’ he said.
Basically, they are asking guests to give employees more ‘coin’. It’s rather strange coming from (a) well-renowned establishment that has been on the map for years.
The travel blogger opposed the question: ‘’What do you guys think about that?’’and users had a lot to say.
‘’Multibillion-dollar company charging tens of thousands for a short cruise but can’t pay their staff a wage out of it,’’ one user wrote.
In all fairness, guests are already paying a decent amount of money, and having to worry about the amount of tip to give is killing the vibe.
Another user said: ‘’A liveable wage should be provided by DISNEY!!! I’m sick of these million to billion-dollar companies getting away with having their PATRONS.’’
The conclusion most users reached was that Disney needed to start whipping out all the cash they received and pay the hard-working staff what they deserved.
‘’I think it’s obvious that they need to pay their employees more.They make more than enough money to make sure all employees make above a living wage,’’ said another user.
As if paying all that money on a cruise isn’t enough. Bye Disney, you can miss me with that bull.
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