Woman told she can’t board plane because she’s ’naked’



Published Jul 14, 2021


There’s a saying that goes, “If you’ve got, flaunt it.”

Unfortunately female body-builder Deniz Saypinar was flaunting way too much “of what she’s got” for American Airlines.

On route to Miami for Swim Week, Saypinar was told she could not board the plane because she was “naked”.

At Dallas-Fort Worth Airport an American Airlines gate agent told the Turkish body-builder: “Hey, you can’t go to the plane, because you’re naked.”

Initially she thought that it was a joke.

So it came as a shock to her when she realised that the agent was actually serious.

CBSDFW.COM reports that she was shaking, because she thought: “It’s not real what’s happening”.

She added that she felt panicked.

Saypinar, wearing short shorts and a crop top, said the agent told her that her outfit would be offensive to families.

This is what Deniz Saypinar was wearing. Picture: Instagram

She posted an Insta story, sharing her experience to her million Instagram followers.

She said she put on a T-shirt but was still denied boarding on that flight and another.

After waiting overnight at the airport, she said was eventually allowed to board on a third flight.

She calls it discrimination against women – exactly the reason she moved from Turkey.

“That’s why I moved to the United States. I have to be able to be myself and be free as a woman,” she said.

American Airlines said: “On July 8, American Airlines denied boarding for a customer travelling from Dallas-Fort Worth to Miami. As stated in the conditions of carriage, all customers must dress appropriately and offensive clothing isn’t permitted on board our flights.”

Those conditions only say customers must “Dress appropriately; bare feet or offensive clothing aren’t allowed.”

Passengers said they were unaware there was even a dress code – and said, if it’s going to enforced, it should be more visible.

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