Camps Bay High School canoeist impresses in Portugal

Hout Bay's Holly Smith, 16, attributes her success at the international competition to intensive training and teamwork. Picture: Supplied

Hout Bay's Holly Smith, 16, attributes her success at the international competition to intensive training and teamwork. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 15, 2022


Cape Town - Camps Bay High School pupil Holly Smith, 16, made South Africa proud as she came in second place in the U19 category at the 2022 International Canoe Federation (ICF) competition in Portugal last week.

Holly was the youngest member of the South African team, competing at U19 junior women level at the Ocean Racing World Championships at Viana Do Castelo.

This opportunity followed her successful race at the Breede River Canoe Marathon, where she came first in the U19 and U23 ladies’ titles in September.

Her hard work paid off and she said it took intensive training.

“Loads and loads of training, early mornings, late evenings and commitment, dedication with the Orka Squad coached by Peter Cole.

“It’s absolutely unbelievable and I am beyond stoked and proud to have podiumed at my first world champs with two years to still go in this age group.

“I’m hoping to make both junior marathons and surf-ski team next year and hopefully getting better results next year,” said Holly.

She was pleased to share the victory with KwaZulu-Natal's Saskia Hockly, 18, who bagged the first prize.

Hout Bay’s Holly Smith, 16, attributes her success at the international competition to intensive training and teamwork. Picture: Supplied

"My highlight was to be able to stand on the podium with my teammate Saskia, who took out the win in the junior girls as it was her last year in the category. It was very nice to be in a different country and especially as beautiful as it was and competing against the best in the world,“ she said.

Principal Louis Mostert couldn’t contain the excitement for his Grade 10 pupil, who was named the school’s junior sportswoman of the year.

“We are incredibly proud of Holly. She is a dedicated member of the Camps Bay High School water polo and netball teams, playing a valuable role in the teams’ successes. Whilst not in the Camps Bay High School swimming pool or on the netball court, she puts in many hours of training every day, honing her skill to be a top canoeist and surf-skier.

“At only 16 years old, she has won top accolades in both U19 and U23 canoeing events in South Africa. Holly also recently represented the Western Cape at the SA Lifesaving Championships, where she helped with the province’s great victory," said Mostert.

Her father, Miki Smith, said he was stunned by Holly’s achievement and the South African participants, saying much support is needed to inspire and grow the sport into an international level.

“I am absolutely stoked and super proud of her commitment, dedication and focus.

“To race at this level, against the best in the world, means we are moving in the right direction as a country. I wish there’s more support for our athletes,” said Miki.

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