Animal Welfare Society of SA chosen for funding allocation

Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis. HENK KRUGER African News Agency (ANA)

Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis. HENK KRUGER African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jul 1, 2022


Cape Town – The Animal Welfare Society of SA (AWS-SA) has been chosen as one of seven beneficiaries for a funding allocation of R500 000 to spend on activities across the city.

Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis, along with the support of Mayco members, has identified the organisations which he would like to support with allocations from the mayoral fund.

Spokesperson for AWS-SA, Allan Perrins, said: “We feel be honoured and privileged to have been chosen as a beneficiary (from a list of worthy recipients and various causes) of the mayoral fund and intend to invest the allocation in our impactful outreach, education and sterilisation campaigns across the city.

“We have committed to judiciously investing the funds in the upliftment of pets (and by implication people) owned by the poorest of the poor in the Cape Metro. Any balance will be used to help offset our operating deficit.

His message to Hill-Lewis and the mayoral committee members: “Thank you for recognising and so generously rewarding the magnificent positive difference made by the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa since its establishment some 93-years-ago.

“Our success is contingent on the benevolence of our donors and meaningful partnerships (like this) and we are confident that we will exceed their expectations to help strengthen and grow this blossoming collaboration that bodes well for the future state of animal welfare in the beautiful City of Cape Town,” he said.

Hill-Lewis said: “We have been able, through the Mayor’s Support Fund, to provide a few NGOs with some funding.

“These NGOs deliver crucial services to residents of Cape Town and AWS-SA is one of them. These NGOs have not received support from the City’s existing grant-in-aid funding.

“Organisations have been hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and I am happy to have been able to provide some limited relief,” he said.

Weekend Argus