Delft mom shot dead in suspected gang crossfire

Delft community angry over the killing of a woman who was caught in suspected gang crossfire on Tuesday afternoon. File Picture

Delft community angry over the killing of a woman who was caught in suspected gang crossfire on Tuesday afternoon. File Picture

Published Sep 29, 2022


Cape Town - The murder of 37-year-old Lazelle Collins who was shot while walking to church on Tuesday afternoon has sparked renewed calls for visible policing in Delft.

Police attended a crime scene at around 3pm after they received a complaint about a shooting incident in Madelief Street.

“Upon arrival at the scene in Madelief Street at around 3pm, they found the body of a 37-year-old female who sustained gunshot wounds. The victim was declared deceased on the scene by the medical personnel,” said police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Joseph Swartbooi.

A case of murder has been registered for investigation and police are yet to make arrests.

While police are yet to determine a motive for the murder, Delft community activist, Farida Ryklief, said the victim was caught in suspected gang crossfire while walking to church.

“Our streets have become so dangerous, lawless and disturbing. If we have stricter firearm laws in place, guns won't be so accessible nor will shootings and killing be so evident.

“A mother walking to church and getting caught in crossfire is unacceptable, in my view,” she said.

Last month, Ryklief started a petition that aimed to campaign for more visible policing in crime-riddled parts of Delft, proper investigation into cases and the denial of bail for suspects linked to three or more separate shootings.

The petition has since been signed by more than 1 500 people to date,“ she said.

Anyone with information on the shooting is urged to call Crime Stop on 08600 10111.