Here’s how Siv Ngesi’s ’crazy diet’ helped him lose 11kg

Actor and Tv personality, Siv Ngesi Picture: Instagram

Actor and Tv personality, Siv Ngesi Picture: Instagram

Published Sep 22, 2021


Actor and Tv personality Siv Ngesi has been on a hectic diet, and he has lost 11kg and looks amazing.

In an Instagram post, the star shared how he did and what diet he followed. He started with appreciating himself: “I am always inspired and motivated by people who set goals, and through passion, and determination to reach them. I also love to celebrate with them when they see the rewards of their commitment and sacrifice. So today, I want to shout out and celebrate me, Siv Ngesi, for working my ass and every other muscle in my body off to achieve something very special.“

“11 weeks ago, I started the hardest and most testing physical and mental challenge yet. I set out to totally transform my body through a rigorous programme of diet and training for Fitness SA. I can share with you that after a journey like no other. I placed 1st in Men's Fitness Model, and 2nd in Mr Fitness (pole and body), and am even prouder than my Mom.”

“Many of you have seen the results, and thank you for your kind words. I want to share with you some of the crazy statistics from the journey. It's done, I don't recommend it.”

He continued to share what his diet included:

“Over a period of 11 weeks, I collectively spent six full 24 hour days, or 154 hours or 9240 minutes gyming/cardio.” said Siv.

  • 2 541 egg whites
  • 55.44kgs of hake
  • 18. 48 kilograms of chicken breasts
  • Supplement/vitamin
  • Not a single refined carb nor grain of sugar in 77 days.
  • And 46 litres of blood sweat and tears.

“Trust me, it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. But with my people on my side, through sheer force of will, and belief in myself, I reached my goal.

Whatever you want is in your reach. Make the decision today, and take control of your life and your dreams, whatever they may be. Discipline equals freedom,” he added.

His diet affected his mood, and he had to apologise to his best friend. “To those who understood my challenge and were there for me, at the hardest points. Especially the bestie, Mpakie. She took a few shots over the last 11 weeks. I’m sorry! I was moody as hell,” apologising to his friend.

Speaking to GQ once, he said: “The biggest fail is people doing the same thing over and over without changing it up, and working out and not watching what you eat. If you’re doing the wrong thing, you may as well not be doing anything. Get a trainer to show you what to do right.”

Siv has broken his diet and fed his cravings for a few days. He says he is ready to start maintaining and hitting the gym hard, but without the “crazy diet.”

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