Learn something new with IOL: How to do an ab workout with no equipment

File picture: Alexandra Voicu/Pixabay

File picture: Alexandra Voicu/Pixabay

Published Mar 24, 2020


While we do our bit to flatten the curve of the coronavirus pandemic in South Africa with self-distancing and self-isolation, why not use this time to learn a new skill? IOL will help by publishing a how-to guide almost every day at noon.

Maintaining a healthy mind and body is critical during this time as it contributes to boosting your immune system. 

With a 21-day national lockdown being declared you may have been wondering how to maintain - or even start - a fitness routine - especially if you don't have any exercise equipment in your home. 

German model and fitness guru Pamela Reif has a  Youtube channel with workouts tailored for everyone from beginners to hardcore fitness junkies. We've chosen a 10-minute beginner ab workout to kickstart your lockdown fitness journey.

Pamela says: "Everybody starts somewhere and my other workouts require suuuper strong core muscles. That's why I really wanted to create an ab workout, that is suitable for beginners - while still being super effective. 

"And listen.. it even includes BREAKS! :D 

(If you feel like it's too easy with the breaks though: just continue the last exercise during the break & jump into the new movement one once I start with it as well)

"My mom tried this workout and said, that it's 100% manageable for her .. although she usually isn't so much into working out. That means: no excuses for you."

* Do you have a skill you can teach in a short video? Whatsapp us at 074 557 3535 or email [email protected]


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