Healthy lifestyle may increase life expectancy, research suggests

In addition, more of those years may be dementia-free. Picture: Unsplash

In addition, more of those years may be dementia-free. Picture: Unsplash

Published May 4, 2022


By Linda Searing

A healthy lifestyle may allow older people to live longer, with women adding three years and men six to their life expectancy, suggests research published in the journal BMJ. In addition, more of those years may be dementia-free.

More than six million Americans 65 and older have the most common type of dementia, Alzheimer's, for which there is no cure.

The study found that, at age 65, women with the healthiest lifestyle had an average life expectancy of about 24 years, compared with 21 years for women whose lifestyle was deemed less healthy.

Life expectancy for men with the healthiest lifestyle was 23 years versus 17 years for men who were less healthy.

The findings came from research that involved 2 449 people who were 65 and older and part of the Chicago Health and Ageing Project, which first enrolled participants in 1993.

The current researchers developed a healthy lifestyle scoring system for their participants that encompassed five factors: diet, cognitive activity, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption.

People were given one point for each area if they met healthy standards, yielding a final summed score of 0 to 5, with higher scores indicating a healthier lifestyle.

As for living with dementia, those with a score of 4 or 5 healthy factors at age 65 lived with Alzheimer's for a smaller proportion of their remaining years than did those with a score of 0 or 1.

For women, the difference for those with a healthier lifestyle was having Alzheimer's for 11 percent of their final years versus 19 percent for those with a less healthy lifestyle; for men, it was six percent of their remaining time versus 12 percent.

The researchers concluded that "prolonged life expectancy owing to a healthy lifestyle is not accompanied by an increased number of years living with Alzheimer's dementia" but rather by "a larger proportion of remaining years lived without Alzheimer's dementia."

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