Self-care does not start and end with putting on face masks and sipping chamomile tea on Sundays



Published Jun 23, 2022


For the majority of us, a face mask and some adorable PJs on lazy Sundays spent at home relaxing and preparing for the upcoming week come to mind when we think of self-care.

However, self-care doesn’t start and end there. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that you are your best self. Research shows many people misunderstand what effective self-care is and how they can best benefit from it.

We know how demanding adulting is, and that’s putting it mildly. When challenges you face prove difficult to handle, it can tax not only your emotional health but your whole being.

Self-care is about allowing yourself to have a nurturing experience of life right now as opposed to waiting for the right time or when you’re on leave to unwind and feel like yourself.

When you’re in the right state of mind, you are often able to navigate whatever stressors you may come across, which is why it's recommended that you deal with yourself in a holistic manner.

An old Yiddish proverb, “We plan, God laughs,” expresses a truth everyone can relate to. Simply put, nothing ever goes as precisely planned, but while you can work to overcome these issues, there’s no need to force yourself to do something you don’t enjoy.

Introspection is important as this will help you determine where you might be going wrong, experts all over the world rave about how important it is to have healthy boundaries.

Good sleep. I know it's something that you’ve probably heard a thousand times already. Personally, I know when I feel a little overwhelmed, I shut the world out, even if it's just for an hour just to try and gather myself. 7 to 8 hours of sleep is recommended for adults.

Breaking a habit is hard. This is because of how ingrained they are in our brains. Studies show that a habit takes an average of two months to stick. When it comes to self-care, best practice means regular practice. Self-care should happen all the time, not just when you feel most stressed.

Exercise. Try to live an active lifestyle. Also, before you go haywire, you don’t have to over-exert yourself. Physical activity guidelines recommend that an adult get at least 150 minutes of workouts a week, be it yoga or a simple cardio exercise in front of your tv.

Go to therapy. Healed and self-aware individuals are the new sexy. We’re all healing from something. Professional support provides a space to explore coping strategies for the challenges we face daily.