#aTypicalInterview: Model Kirsten Callan Khan on her rude and obnoxious date

Model Kirsten Callan Khan. Supplied image.

Model Kirsten Callan Khan. Supplied image.

Published Dec 11, 2022


Johannesburg - This week, we feature South African-born professional model Kirsten Callan Khan.

Khan, who models for well-renowned agency Ice Models, was recently among the nominees to compete for Play.co.za’s World Swimsuit Model of the Year.

You are able to do a photo shoot in any part of the world. Where do you choose to go?

Probably Santorini, Greece. Throughout the years, I’ve always pictured myself shooting there; it’s so beautiful and picturesque. The way in which the whitewashed buildings complement the crystal blue waters so quaintly must be such a surreal view to take in. It would be an absolute dream.

You are only able to do one exercise for the rest of your life. What exercise do you choose to do?

Maybe side lunges since it works more than one muscle group.

What are three items that you have to have in your fridge at all times?

Blueberries, eggs and chicken breasts. Chocolate never lasts longer than a day.

Tell us about the worst date you've had

Oh my word! I was out in Joburg with this guy who was a customer at a company I worked at. Super polite towards me but extremely obnoxious towards the waiters and he kept on yelling at them to be available to him the minute he was ready to make his orders, snapping his fingers at him. Safe to say, it was the first and last date. I messaged my mom to (ask her to) say there was an “emergency” and I needed to leave right away.

Model Kirsten Callan Khan. Supplied image.

What Netflix series should everyone be watching?

I haven’t watched much series recently but I’m watching Dynasty at the moment, when I can, and I just love all the drama. Fallon cracks me up, she’s so over the top.

Your go-to cheat meal?

Haha! I’m such a foodie that it’s hard to choose but most probably a Hawaiian pizza to have all to myself.

Your favourite item of clothing in your closet?

My black formal shorts, it’s casual and elegant and pairs well with a lot of my other clothes. And it is also perfect for castings.

What is your definition of beauty?

True beauty resonates from within. Treat people the way you wish to be treated, with kindness and humility being at the forefront of beauty that this world really needs more of. No point in a pretty face with an ugly heart. You’ll also have less worry lines.

Model Kirsten Callan Khan. Supplied image.

The song title that most describes your life right now?

Haha! I don’t know. It’s been a rough couple of weeks, so maybe Kanye, Rihanna and Paul McCartney’s FourFiveSeconds pretty much sums it up.

You are able to spend a day with any model in the world learning from him or her. Whom do you choose to spend the day with and why?

Definitely Adriana Lima. She is the epitome of beauty and is probably the most timeless and photogenic model I know of. She makes it look so easy, which it definitely isn’t.

The Saturday Star