#aTypicalInterview: Model Melissa Magiera on being a ‘plain Jane, sneakers type of woman’

Model Melissa Magiera. Supplied image.

Model Melissa Magiera. Supplied image.

Published Oct 9, 2022


Johannesburg - This week we feature Cape Town-born model Melissa Magiera.

Magiera is best known for winning South Africa’s 2018 Top Model competition. She also represented South Africa in the Top Model Worldwide competition in London.

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology graduate has worked with top brands which include the likes of Coca-Cola and Cell C.

You are able to do a photo shoot in any location around the world with a photographer of your choice. Which location do you choose and which photographer?

My dream location would be Times Square, NY. New York is my dream destination as a model. I have lots of favourite photographers around the world who inspire me and who I dream to work with, therefore I can’t give you my favourite photographer.

Model Melissa Magiera. Supplied image.

The meal that most reminds you of your childhood is …?

Growing up my father’s favourite meal was egg and beans curry with toast, and till today when having that meal, it brings back so many fond memories of my childhood as well as my father.

The one thing that has caught your attention on social media in the past week is …?

Body positivity. I love that more and more people are becoming accepting of others and more importantly loving what they see in the mirror. Social media is a scary and ruthless place but this week I’ve seen the hype and encouragement on social media lately.

The best way to have fun during load shedding is …?

Load shedding is the actual devil himself lol. I personally try to dodge it at all costs if I can. I’ll go chill by my friend’s house or by my mom’s place having a game night. Load shedding also allows me to re-centre and have some me time with a hot bath with candles, followed by a self-care routine.

Your favourite item of clothing in your closet currently is …?

My new gym set. I am extremely active and new gym outfits truly excite me.

How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered for the way I made people feel when I was around and the impact I brought into their lives. I would also love to be remembered for my work and craft as well as the passion and love I have for my job and this industry.

Model Melissa Magiera. Supplied image.

What’s one Netflix show everyone should be watching right now?

If you haven’t watched ECHOS please do yourself a favour and watch it. You need to be fully concentrated though but such a good watch.

The biggest misconception people have of you is …?

Often people have mentioned that they thought I am uptight and boujee but I am the furthest thing from it. I am very much a plain Jane, sneakers, not materialistic and no make-up kinda girl. I don’t take myself too seriously either. I came from humble beginnings and always remind myself where I come from and always remain true to myself as well as my morals and values.

What is your definition of love?

My definition of love is someone accepting you for all that you are, loving you unconditionally, being able to protect you, care for you and trust you. Love has such a broad meaning and everyone has their own meaning but to find love is such a special thing. Personally love involves communication, compromise, staying true to yourself, commitment, understanding, accountability and intimacy.

A restaurant wants to create a pizza in honour of you. You get to choose the toppings that go on the Melissa Magiera pizza. What toppings do you choose?

I am a vegetarian so the Melissa Magiera pizza will definitely include Peppadews and chillies because of my fiery personality, mushrooms because you can never go wrong with that, avocado to add some colour and last but definitely not least, we are adding feta for the final product.